Friday, October 31, 2008


Time flys when having funn a picture and a banner will be here anon

A whirlyfritzer patent#

“But eye am the Treasurer and eye hate to fly”, said Romand Plence of the company. “Why can't the president of this company go and DO THIS see eh?”This last part was approaching the limit of the hearing for decibel rendering. “For once eye agree with you DOdnald”said President Thommas Whirly. That's Romand. “What ever” said the President Thommas Whirly again he turned and said DOdnald in a duck like voice and we all supposed thet he was meanting Donald the duck. DOdnald DUck. Someone has got to get this patent to the patent office in Washington D.C. today. The supersonic airliner is the fastest means of transport on this Earth. The plans is so secret to the Cobalt Blue box that we are handcuffing them to you and mailing the key to the patent office. You are not to lose the briefcase no matter what. He had no problems getting to the airport in a Taxi Cab hack for this was Old New York the fares were all affordable to men. Donald Duck Plence got his first taste of excitement at the airport waiting for his transport into Washington. There was a ganger he was sliding up behind him with his huggies to his knees and his hat cap on backwards. He froze once when the Security Guard came too close he was in jeopardy the man would knoe it was not his briefcase and then the thing grew taught like a fishing line and he was turning to see just what he was caught on when the Donald yelled WHAT are you doing you Thief in this Airport. The ganger almost cried for he would not let go of the case it had a leather hide. You can not have this case the Donald almost smiled without cutting off my arm. The ganger was reaching for his switchblade knife but why it would not cut they never use them in a slice fight. The Guard came up and handcuffed him and led him away to Detention he was heard to say before he was outasight “This is not my lucky day or night.” La Guardia is not a place for thieves in the day or the night. This should be the airport Motto. he was running now to get to the gate Security waved him threw at every checkpoint no one wanted to mess with his Government clearance (it was bogus just an afterthought of Whirly himmself he had ordered the Badge from T.M.@Radiosnack The most prolific bogus badge maker in the internet. Back after Hallowween this is not finiished just posted what eye have have a safe Holiday everyone.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There are millions of stories of the city. This is just one of them. Jonathan Pleasent was a key man. He lived to be someone. His pride was more than anyone could stand he shinned his mustache hair. His clothing was almost perfect nothing out of place he sometimes wore those split shirttails without a belt sans tie. He would never wear a hat or cap the military tried and he was painfully discharged with an undesirable. He ruled a room entered he let no one over him or stop him his discourse was unlearned but knowledgeable enough the women liked his accent and they let him ramble on just to get the sound inside the mind to hear enough to sometimes linger over coffee with the others and gossip of his voice. He says that like a frenchmon and they sigh. They cry real tears because they know it isn’t true at all he lives there in the city. He is only one of them another of the crew. "Ten10Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaters Closer to homey," Jonathan asked me, "Is there water on Mount Lemmon", he asked slyly is there a lake or a reservoir there.? "There is a Tucson Lake it's about FORTY miles of water up there," it was the charlax poet he was musing. At least there is water in the summer time it runs in the ditch it has to come from somewhere so eye suppose it could be a manmade lake to aqueduct the cattle. Eye can not save her there is no way she is too young and involved with the program she loves to drink and partee the jazz and glitter who knoes what else she is into mabe even sex and illicit love after all money is the lower case god of everyone that has to have it some. Ewe knoe who eye meant just then. He was old he had aged almost ten years in one long nite of losing her. Part of his heart no longer works. It is hard to trust someone to love them. Eye am lucky it was not an erline this time. He is sad there is only one cure for this sadness his ewe must come to visit him soon. Jonathan Pleasent was not a pleasant man. He entered the operational code the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater on the website code the spy cam when he entered the new remade code over it matched and he continued to order his whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 was now transformed to the new operational code 638476430087771333654qez7489223983940092 he noticed the inverse upper case letters were now lower case numbers. He Ordered up to the Chamber of Commerce Bank on Broadway Avenue A CObaltBlueT.M.Box@ whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater from of course the office of the President Joames Branch and even the treasurer office too Romand Plence hey he thought it WAS the Chamber of Commerce of Tucson. Not just the bank. They Airlifted the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M with the BOX and the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue Glue all dropped with chutes at the same time it was gawkers everywhere will you look at all those golf balls everywhere a few people had crashed and become statistics someone even had a laundry box with a plastic lid full of golf balls on the back of the truck when it hit the street it went everywhere and all over the front of the busstopped there the Sun Tran Bussline. It is hard not to resent the students they have options. There is a study hall classroom for the brighter bulbs to sit with. The man insisted on placeing the whirleyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater in the hole himmself he was fooling no one by tomorrow at this same time he would be stiff an ogre in the making. The double pipe@T.M. lines wound out from town and so crokked in the desert clime it climbed the mountain one side wind at a time. The small community at the top of the ridge line was happy they all jeered and cheered when the pipe@T.M. crew made it to the water line. CharlaX walked up to the whirlyfritzerbox and removed the packing crate list from the envelope and the warrenty warranty fell out onto the ground unnoticed by the crew. When the pipe@T.M. lines were safely in the watter and the crew was safley back inside the bank or home some of them just went home a lucky break for all of us Jonathan Pleasent walked outside the box and turned the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater on. The green light danced like two women in love. Then he opened the one sided mechanism and poured the brown like substance in the slot and closed the door. He was frowning at the light for it was supposed to be stationary and not blinking like that whay GOOD Lord on Sunday it was supposed to be a steady green light. And that was the first causualty clause for at that MOMENT of time poor Jonathen Pleasant went to heaven in a whirlyfritzer ride. The green light blinking in his eyes. Do not despare oh gentile reader ewe there had to be an accidental death to make my story true in jest eye liked this ending best for this whirlyfrtizerglomeratialsilverplater was the best western motel story for Tuscon ever done.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Shreveport was closer to the bay but we would run out of pipe when going that way the afternoon was fading we were losing the light and the mosquitoes was coming out to bite. Most of the men drew there jackets on to keep the mosquitoes away they were huge near the Gulf water and full of fright no one wanted to get sick. We were running the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M parallel to the shore following the road missing most of the populated areas and making good time coming out from New Orleans. Jameson P Monte was the man in charge of this group. He had ordered the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater online back at the ranch as they say. Typing in the instructional code twice. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 once into the security cam and then added back to match. Never the same code twice. QEZ7643008777133365448367489229004938932 matched. He then sent an email to the company. Whirly Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:38 PM
We are down south working to restore New Orleans as a City Blue and Proper. WE are very interested in the whirlyfritzer machine especially the CobaltBluePowerForce.T.M.@ as a means of centrifugal force. WE need lots of pipe@T.M for a parallel course to the Gulf for we are not sure yet where to make the entry point.ed.note this is actual copy of email sent end.ed.noted
We are down south working to restore New Orleans as a City Blue and Proper. WE are very interested in the whirlyfritzer machine especially the CobaltBluePowerForce.T.M.@ as a means of centrifugal force. WE need lots of pipe@T.M for a parallel course to the Gulf for we are not sure yet where to make the entry point. The special Delivery van was solid babay blue and there was a logo on the side that said Zappersunlimited. WE were all impressed the company had delivered its best most of the time they used Parcel Post or worse UPS. The Driver had no helper in the seat next to him so we unloaded the PipepipeT.M@pipe@T.M. and the carefully setting in the hole prepared and wiring the ground. As he drove away he was heard muttering whats the reasoning of going parallel to the road. Actually it was Pp Monte himself that decided to run down the Gulf in the event of another Hurricane there the pipe was streamed into the wind now wait think carefully about this its makes some kinda bizzarre sense. They were looking forward to the future of events even perhaps into the next millennium. WE decided to go to the Ponchartrain entry point and try to get to the Gulf via the Mississippi Delta. We already explained to ewe whay. WE called for our airdropps and every time they were on time with the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. There should be a lengthy treatise ici about digging in the mudded basin and the problems we overcame getting the pipe into the Gulf Ocean but for the sake of brevity and sanity its dispensed with and not appended forthwith perhaps a brief explain will suffice. There is red clay down south it takes a strong back or else fierce determination to get a shovel fool. Ha.Ed.note. A typo and yet a de je vue. End.ed.note. Like a cup of coffee with ice in it after a long nite of good sleep and rest we saw the water come up one day in the distance it was there. Water water everywhere and not a dropp to drink eye think that eye will get up and jump into the sink. That’s a catchy toon where did you get that one TIMMY. It was in a CharlaXPoem eye was reading last nite. New Orleans' economy improves, but infrastructure remains a disaster the headlines of the paper echoed in my thinking as we hit the beach and up THERAMP@T.M. we went for we had ordered the best thing from Floatsom and Jetsome Industries to get the pipe to the Ocean THERAMP@T.M. was better than digging up the beach. We actually only ran the pipe as far as several lengths for the CobaltBlueT.M.@ radiation was harmless to children and fish but it does discolor after several weeks anything left laying in the water would be that aweful rust color like they have up in New York City in the Harbor. Jameson P Monte was called back at the Main Central Offices he went to the CobaltBluepurple whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and turned the green light on. He opened the one sided mechanism and added the brown substance there was lots of extra water in it for he had drank a lot of coffee with his breakfast fast he did not forget to prime the steam pipe first. He closed the access panel and gave a huge thumbs up to the computer (what a dweed of course people do things like this all the time and no one could see him) and he smiled.
