Wednesday, April 29, 2009


English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems
that are 14 lines long falling into
three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet.
Englais channeling often been forboating forbidden swimming
and foreboding even for women.
So many suffer in the water they stopped them from attempting it.
So many dehydrated they were pulled before they made it out.
Do not swim after dark in Chinatown.
Tenterhooking near the City or a Body is forbidden and forcamping
near a Body or a City is forbidden.
Tentering near the City there is no parking or tentering allow it not.
Poling is okay but not tent poling for tent poling one must pay it out.
Do not tent after dark in Chinatown.
Forhiking is allowable only near the Englais Channel
but forwalking is forbidden near the Body of the watering.
Stay on the hidden trails and be happy they are marking them out.
Walk on the trails in sighting them near the City or be refined.
Do no walking after dark in Chinatown.
Drinking near Channeling while swimming is forbidden near the City Chinatown.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Reverand Combover was eloquent and outspoken and a thumper of the Bible School of misquotations the Church of the Covenant was near an empty Hay field. Every Saturday they raked it but on this EarthDay Saturday it seems that they forgot the rakes The Grasshoppers so used to distribution moved up on their own to the Sides of the Church Building and the Roof so seldom used they covered it in droves. The migration there was silent no talking in the ranks. Perhaps ewe were thinking then of Disney but this is true made up story life. They never stripped the field of hay like locusts do in the Bible stories. They only seemed to live a few moments of their time in each sad day of life. Insects are rally fragile ewe and they don’t survive. It’s also not true that they spit Tobacco juice although it sure looks like it in consistency and size of blobber. The Preacher was thumping the Bible so hard that dust mites screamed out in fright the Congregation all jumped to a man all the Deacons turned and ran then tossed open the doorway to the parking lot outside one man yelled back over his shoulder and Cried "GOD will get you someday Preacher." For he had just misquoted the scriptures again. He grabbed the Bible like a madman then chased after the men like some doddering old drunk wanting another hit from the bottle and they had carried it away outside the Grasshoppers flew out from the roof and that Preacher almost died sure that it was the Plagues of Egypt come from heaven down. But the Deacons all came back around and laughing now they raked the Grasshoppers away not locusts John Henry they smiled. It’s just Earth Day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The entire Bible is on the head of a pin written someone has done this eye remember seeing this they said they did it with a magnify glass and a tweezers holding tiny inkpen. ALL the kings horses and all the kings men could not would not should not putt all the eggs in China into the seaside area THE polo pony steps on them. NEWS of food arrives too late for those with coffins for a plate. THATS the way the cokkie crumbly ignore the this that is for real meal deal in word documents. PRINTTED to the newspaper racked up in the pool hall lines were waiting there for bread. JUST find the end of time turn left near Heavens gate than wait for wells of water to appear. TO FIT a laser beam into a small hole in the window. News at Eleven. A Rubber baby buggy bumper bumped into the raging river when it bounced the baby lost the liver it was chewing lucky baby. Swimming is dangerous in rapid transit areas. Holy Toledo why not Holy Ohio. Fractured Fairy tails are hard to replace or fixture. HERO. No not the last word. Not at all. The last word was FIT. Not PRINTTED. Not at all.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Eye remember the last time eye respected and emulated mye peers they peered all over mee. While eye jumped from piers with pears and pares the toenails from the edifice of hice bewails while jumping pairs of twice brickled edifice pickled in the briny sea side limping on both feet after fourteen miles a day of hiking where the sun is shade. Eye have a memory that seldom comes but sometimes when annoyed eye remember getting mad at mye new friend eye made while travelling. We were sitting in the overpass of freeways looking glasses turned down to drain the light of flashes. Eye took mye flashlight to the concrete underpass and smashed it. My friend was asking what was wrong with me so eye had to get creative quickly. Not wanting to dismember him eye quickly said this was done at your behest not understanding none of this he sighed and walked away to live another day that’s best. For eye was only wanting solitude and rest. He got drunks and sold the knives. Drunkards wanting tankards full furnish many people with foolish things for below cost no advertising word of mouth just hand to hand attained detachments. They sell cars at second hand prices and deter the will to live. Telling old defeated Granny she must drive like a snail to get there and she will. Adding multiples of two and coming to conclusions of one more addled brain a female peers out her window now hoping he is still in love he must not understand the female mind. Tonite when eye am dead to world in vain misunderstanding of mye namme eye will peers from undercovers trying not to cry tomorrow eye will greet that dawn with happiness in time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



“The masses have the pattern we can make the Solid Gold Computor now for the select few million with the necessary funds.” This was the header of the email from the Internet Gold Company. The Stock Broker looked looney some stunned silence then “whay whay what.” He cleared his voice. It sounded something like this. “Hharummmph.” “The price is way too low you can charge whatever the market can afford to pay and they can pay a lot just let me tell you now how much.” Then he looked into the future them dollar signs was lighting eyes of greedy misery. He paused. “A Computor made of Solid Gold will bring upwards of Three Million $Ps. People will sell there unnecessary transports and all other forms of entertainments in an effort just to OWN one.” The President Paused then “we have never done business this way” the price is fixed at $p23,ooo. We will find a way to fire you mister Stock Broker”, he was mad not just angry but mad. “We will make these new computers affordable to all the people.” Then he marched into the testing room like a large overweight hen. He rebooted the Computor once then frowned down at the Robotic Instituted Instructor rooted to the ground wire. In a metallic deadpan voice this machine was masking tape overs when it said succinctly “you must wait fifteen minutes before you can use the internet.” “Whay” was all he said. The Robot continued “you must allow the Nano Bots fifteen minutes to crawl onto the position connectors or you will fry the Gold covered connectors.” “No one will want these computers of Solid Gold no one will want to wait they want instantaneous internet high speed connections. “Oh”, he bewailed, “the price of fate!

Monday, April 13, 2009



A target for other peoples fists a morbid persona to be missed a long drink of water in the rain a lot of people deeding gain. The one and only mothers son the little boy blue come blow. The frog that hops away the bird that comes to stay. The time it takes to breathe your last the sound of laughter tinkling glass. The end of every sad refrain the chorus line in pain. The man behind the plow the villain turning over. The one that should be saved the lords saving grace may still apply at pearly gates the limousine awaits mye chariot is time. The bog reverberates with echoes of our fates the leaves fall in the spring for homeless refusing to be seen in covering the hide. Lost in murmuring the city has no date with vine but wrath the work was not enought for take home pay was shorter than. The city limit sign always touches the county line. Where will homeless go? Who who who am eye?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


TimmyTIMMYTimmyEye had no clue what autistic was back then eye thought the boy was just hit too many times and left to live or die. He could not see real good or even hear but there is some people that feel things. His mother was epileptic they kept putting spoons into her mouth to keep her from swallowing the tongue but this is about the boy now. He stood and placed his head next to mine like astronauts talking together do in space time. And eye almost hollard to let him hear me as eye said eye love yew boy can you tell it. And he was never there but blankly. But eye did try like Helen Keller Teacher eye reached out to less a man than eye. So on this Easter Sunday think of Timmy while eye stop typing this and cry. Some things is tougher to remember then to try. Hindsight is blind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


BrandNammes™®BrandNammes™®BrandNammes™®We all go to the store the grocery the Shoppe the mart somewhere we need to find the things we eat. Some people get the cheap they shoppe by price. But some have to have the BrandNammes. Money is not an objection to the rich and famous newly elected or incumbent they can shoppe. While the poor schmo must rob to pay the price for the cheapest in the store or shoppe. Shoplifting is a crime of epics. They still grab things it’s called lifting on the street the experts do it they never get caught it’s the newly invited poor girl that always gets it. Caught. Red handed. Usually with a brand name purse or sweater with a price tag that a man could never pay. Not in the weakly pay change they all make. We are all guilty of brand names. Eye still would get Shredded Wheat instead of Cherrios. Eight-O-Clock® Coffee is afforded to the Starbucks® crowded once. Eye like the T-Bone™ steaks with pepper sauced. But when working paying rent eye ate burger meat or sausage porked with fingers to the bone no vegetables aside the plate. Some examples of firms with brand equity - possessing very recognizable brands of products - are Microsoft™, Coca-Cola®, Ferrari™, Sony™, The Gap™ and Nokia®. People rich in money cards of credit lots of pennies in the pocket do not shop at Sears™® for clothing. They sit at platters too expensive in the better eateries in malls and hills so far away from City streets they may as well be Roman ones. While little Charlie and the mudd cats all go down to McDonalds® for the Senior Discounts. When in the better shopping malls the potatoes have no eyes. The prepackaged food is there at prices unimaginable by us. The take home stuff is ready to be packaged out for gold and silver credit cards. Never lifted but taken out untouched by human hands the brands names glistening in sun so shining down on Brandnammes stuff still being bought on credit limited above the mark. This has to be enough eye could never get to sleep in my NORTHFACE™® Tent® iff eye can’t stop to list the never-ending list of Brandnammes®.

Monday, April 6, 2009


The men gathered around the teacher come each one thronged and bowed they all had grey hair everywhere the eye could see they held out bowls of wooden hidden insides full of seaming things to eat. Perhaps the fireplace was inside one of the huts perhaps the food was only cold just fruit and nuts. The Teacher sighed then began to speak as each man placed his bowl at teachers feet. He pointed all around the village there here and everywhere until alarmed the men begin to quiver and beware until the Teacher cried out loud "How can eye make them understand to make a sign to make them understand the day time." He tried his watch. He held up a calendar with all the days of months he even pantomimed the passing of time he tried the whistle of the loon to signal dark; then his eyes light up at something he just thought and so he drew there in the sand seven circles then one more there then starting over with his pidgeon speaching he tried to reach the men again with teaching. Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day he said this eight times once for each circle pointing to make his point across the men in the glen between the huts were nodding understanding. They understood the teacher. He pointed at the first circle again and just said TODAY and got all excited when they nodded yes they were absorbing all the words then he said day to all the others but the last circle he called NEXT WEEK in a loud loon like voice. There was a hush and then the Spokesman for the tribe said to him in perfect English TIME. The teacher froze. For every aborigine had pulled a watch out from the leather thong and one of them cried out in perfect English as the Spokesman had thus done why that is April Twenty Ninth. The aborigine men all begin to dance now like the loon from side to side they all begin to eat the contents of the bowls at teachers feet the bowls of wisdom which contain the portions of the last teacher come to entertain who also tried to teach them time. For the aborigines were cannibals educated with intelligence complete with watches from the arms they used for cooking meat in pots from bowls they grab the portions out filled with teachers time and time again they come to teach them men the time in land of loon the teacher come?