Monday, August 24, 2009

Benificial Strength

Benificial Strength ewe.iciNew hope for a laptop a woman promised me her old computor in two weeks so I quickly promised her $100 dollars just for finally someone helping me. The no objection rule to spending money is not GOD so I decided to apply incentive for she says she has to wipe her hardware hardrive clear. It sounds expansive. She wants to see my website and so I promised her the poetry but recent changes to my facebook has my heart sore and caused me many problems. My nerves are finally gone. I have had so many blessings from the LORD no one knoes about but GOD. My heart just stops now and then depression forms the real intentions of my heart I am not important now to anyone. A bad time for missing love. Twisting my already misshapen insides. I do not have the strength GOD gave Goose I will not be able to kill myself its true. I layed in Shelter Sweltering the storm was raging rain falling but the Sun was shining same time shining HOT. I hope this happens to the hut when Winter comes. SOlar Heating some. It would be better for everone around me that knoes me and my lambe that loves me wold finally be so better off without me. Free for her to be herself at last. I too free to be a sinner saved at last and gone away to Glory facing Wrath. I still cant find that Benificial strangth to kill myself. TO face another day of suffering and pain and love is life. And so I stay. At least Today. I have arrived.

Friday, August 21, 2009


SHE SAYS She SHE SAYS SheSHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE. HE SAYS: Are u hot? SHE SAYS: Not really just good looking average girl. HE SAYS: I mean temperature. SHE SAYS: FORTY is the LOW below at night ABOVE at daylight.HE SAYS: NOT HOT?SHE SAYS: I have told you before I could sink some ships. HE SAYS: Shipping out?SHE SAYS: Staying INN!HE SAYS: Showers?SHE SAYS: NO rain for several weeks. HE SAYS: WOW, thats a lot of rain.SHE SAYS: I meant none. HE SAYS: Bequeath to me my misery.SHE SAYS: Of course I send you all my love. HE SAYS: A fortune intended is hard to hold on to.SHE SAYS: But Christmas come early is longitude latitude coaxial triangulated love. (for she is smart)HE SAYS: Why does this instantaneous coffee foam when added to coke in a cup?SHE SAYS: Ask me anything my love. SHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cross Ties

Cross Ties ewe.iciCross Town walker. Cross ties on the railroad bridges underpassed the cities. Cross tops on Speed. Olive Dogwood tree was used for Cross of Jesus History. Cross beams Cross members. Cross knots. I make a granny knot and then three times later i make a square knot on top of that i call the whole knot a Cross Knot. Cub Scout salute is just a cross uncrossed. Cross your t's and dot your i's we heard this one all the time in cursive writing they tried and tried to make us robotic every time but androids think and so i changed the way i write them squiggles and them lines from time to time. Cross eyed. Cross legged. Cross armed. WHy the eye and the leg but not the arm. ??? People cross there arms all the time but they dont get called cross armed. But they look like Stoney faced Indian Chiefs standing on a hillside looking at the Braves in Battle with the Seventh Calvary. Crossing Guards are not Crosses but guarding nothing they keep cattle INN the Raunches or OUT side the fences letting people in and out the gaited passes. She is Cross. Cross is used as angry. When someone is cross don't cross them. Means the same as don't cross there path. Cross of Jesus old rugged wooden but now you knoe that it was DOgwooden Olive tree wood that they used to slay the innocent. Charlaxes Cross ties.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Armeggedjion ewe.iciI got a poem but the tune is all wrong im changing it using a differant song able to leap high able to wear a red s upon my chest able to fly with dragonfly wings able to laugh at my own distress able to actress yes he said actress able to cry when i need to be blessed able to twist a word into a similitude of portent. A poet. What is that up on the road a head ? Content. A Poem. Iff i write something stoopid in this line it wont stick to the otheres time after time after time after time. But have you got any Grey Poupon. Mustard green the color of train tracks limning all the byeways, falling near the waysides. A totalitarian system leaves large railroad spikes in psalms on trees in leaves on Elephant vines. Spacing is important but Drugs leave a void inside the space is ghost so holy now. AMEN. Friends. Friends. Friends. Left my light up in the tower got a cover bushfull basket trying to hide from the badmen coming light my light and cry for Armeggedjion

Friday, August 7, 2009


TheWatcherWatches ewe.iciIn the traffic three times the dark blue Ford slammed past the Red Light the driver was drunk. Driving around in circles to kill someone by accidental death thinking in drunken hazes no one out there watching to see wanted to hit some old woman young girl or dog cat or pet of any kind this man was Drunk driving mad. Angry at the World or just himself. He puked it all out at once like the movie with Linda Blair large amounts of thick green fluid mocking him rolling off the inside of the windshield to fall harmless into dashboard vents where it stayed to congeal to stink to stench. He paused and swiped his mouth on Black and White Bannana Striped. A Stuffed toy he got at the County fair. Something darted out from between the cars on the side of the Highway 64 hit his door hard then bounced off scaring him into thinking thinking that he had hit someone a little girl or a dog he just kept on driving wishing he could die like other men. The Watcher stood staring down at the final Intersection of the US Highway 64 where a few moments of time would end the time of this small drunken white man driving drunk was gonna die. The Watcher was turning gray. His power waning now his haloe was flickering in the night. He was already losing his Immortality. The Watcher took his fist smashing entirely past the glass killing the Drunk instantaneously. Drive down US 64 to the last Intersection there is a column of stone standing in a little Square of grass the State of Arkansas placed there around the Watcher on every Fortnight in the Month of July near the 24th day of the end of a life You may see the Watcher move up to the Drunken Driver of the dark blue Ford. He stands and stares into the bright red eyes to see the mans soul inside Hell then satisfied He steps back to the grassy stones to stand another year a sentinal of rock solid hate and death decay a Judge of Human flesh and Bones forever living there in this place of Execution for having Killed but not in Hell, at least not like the Drunken Driver will remain forever there to Burn. The Watcher Watches stands and waits. Nothing left to learn.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


LapTopReThinking ewe.iciWho has been shaving money in a vast effort to get who a laptop. TO Caht with his honey in the cold dead of winter snow. Who is rethinking this now. Who needs to putt who ahead in his thinking of this physical THING a laptop would be nice to fall back on perhaps the price too steeping high a hillside who will pay for all of this. Who is rethinking this now. What happens on lover day in the year 2010 when Feb 14 rolls up on the colander again. Valentines comes. When the batteries die too many times of over recharging them using them twice daily when who has no money for new ones or parts equals money what if the memory card goes out does who have that Forty Dollars then to replace his memory outcomes the old one incomes the new one with new batteries too many things in a laptop used. The things that who carries he limits the pounds back and forth to the lieberry that free place he affords for computor breaking the ice with his very new boots with this saved rethinking the laptop money use in the dead of snowy winter let who just worry about walking back and forth to this lieberry use.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


WHokkuewe.iciby D.S. charlax[published in The Poetrypoem daily, April 1 2009]
WHO cares not greatlyShould the world remember whoIn some vast interspacial decade of 3002.
There who is on a journey,And who is for the long roadWHo Loves not to linger.
For him the starlight calls,Out of the spacecraft and sunsetWho has made words into poems.