Saturday, February 15, 2014


in those old western movies and war bond movies in the back in the day hey day they were killing all the baby faced nelson boys on the screen
we learned hour lesson in life
into the ropes into the turnbuckle into the floor into the couch flying with a broken nose
fingers slammed into the piano keyboard so hard once eye will never play again
foot crippled for life in an accident at work
now my back is going out from weight of the pack  kidneys working overtime to keep me alive wihout much water eye use carbonated gleem
broken teeth android machine
helpless to ordain a nun
at least money is no longer my religion
paul dumped off a high horse job suffering wishing he was never born at all
lumping all of this together on the cross
Jeez US     JeeZ           Us oh LORD what have eye to do with yew
why did you give me to the warfair