Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul
eye rode a horse and jailed people in chains and one day GOD in the HEavens blinded me with a light and eye fell off my horse and lost my will to fight and put away my toy soldier sword of light
eye swam a lot in boat load accidents and walked out of prisons then one day they sent me to the cleaners they cleaned me out of all the house hold things and took my tent making tools away
the key to heaven is a needles eye getting wet then getting dry it pays to take some time away from work to preach the LORD asleep and the awake He rises to the test and then the light comes back to waken us again
sad sober reflections of the life we leave behind is all we really need
preach the life and not the lie we seem at odds Saint Peter and the eye
meat is nothing and food is good but women are not to be married
we teach a differant faith then life death seems so permanent to eye
The Cross is the way to Heaven the Death of the Savior the Lesson of Faith
he gave his all he had for love
we sinners get hurt and live with pain and hurt
we keep trying to keep going but the end is never far away the people come that can kill the body and then its over in this world we go away
find someone to bring me a coat iff its winter find someone to bring the books so we can preach
eye need some more coins so eye can pay Saint Peter
The Apostle Paul

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Moral morale is lacking finesse
freedom is not always free as they say
it comes with a government check and who is supposed to benifit
the potters field in flanders field the dead the dead forgotten men of war the real heros are the dead not able to Salute the few who lived remember them with crys of solitude the Honor among the thieves today is lacking finesse they sneak around the snakes the stakes of Mormon the tents of freedom where are the dead heros emulated outcries where is the price of solitude where lies the Hermit where is the unsung Gentleman
in potters field we sing of flowers grown above the gravestone
we sing of power in the giving of the lives we shared our power with the living left our wives and went to Heaven growing flowers on the covered walls of freedom marching in place marking time waiting for deliverance day lacking all finesse we have forgotten how to pray but still we wait for emergences from our fate the end shall come and all finesse abate