Thursday, April 24, 2008


one1five5five5 one1five5five5 CharlaXFabels Private Hice American Sir Walter Raleigh was a turn coat. He turned his clean coat down in the rain the muck puddle browned his lapels and he frowned ah but he did it all for love. The lady stomped the thing clean down in the ground she did a little dance in his face to prance somehow to just pretend that she was in the human race and off they went together to the town. Let's see what Private Hice discovered then. He was a member of the British Army enclandestined as a SPY for Uncle Sam in the act of growing old pretending to be a entry NO ewe it was a sentry on duty when the melee approached the eye. Martin Landau always stood out underneath his make up eye could usually tell where he was at and who he had become. American. Eye was in Tank Training as a Turret Repairman please do not laugh when they gave me my MOS eye argued with the instructors thinking just like most people eye thought it was bogus that they just had made it up to have a laugh at my expensive clothing. The pants were the same ones for the whole seven not nine months eye was there. The 45K20 was mine and class was starting. The questions were given on index cards in the form of multiple questions. Eye answered all of the questions each and everyone of them correctly some of them were visual aided. They showed me a picture of a tank and asked me was it A. French B. Russian C. American D. Other. It was very easy to pick a Russian tank from one of ours. A little harder to tell a French version. The other ones were easiest of all. When the coarse was over eye had earned 100@ and a Large Silver Trophy Cup real Silver ewe with a glass bottom you could see into and up from while drinking beers unending in those days. In the good old days as iff eye was newhearted bobbing for apples in the Newfoundland. The Patriot Hice was sitting in his leotards watching the pictures of the horses come up on his lap top Toshiba. The questions were multiple questions. Which one A b or d. The man was uncanny in his resemblances taking after his ancestored mee as he got every answer correct the livery of the English saddle horned was low profile as they all sat sidesaddled. He only wished that the ale was not grog for they had watered it down a bit too much it had no kick all the Hices were alcoholic. When it was over they gave him a Silver Challis Cupp worth 75P and some they filled it up with milk still cold from the cow. How can you tell iff the horse is British or one of ours? The instructors were dumfounded when eye answered them at Kentucky as well when both Hices told them eye have been playing ARMY since eye was a child there is nothing that eye do not knoe about the field.


1506 1506 CharlaXFabels ThreatenInnuendo People are far too numerous in this millennium they need to thin the thorny ones out so the flowers can bloom and blossom. Remember that this is just a fabel not intended to convey the actual truth unless indicated this is just a threat intended to make mirth. How do yew remember all those passwords some of them is different how old bean do we always manage to log in to all those different accounts oh alien. A conversation with the self the ego and the id the eye and mee. The collar was on the shelf the man was speaking to the owner of the house. The dog left me little choice the thing came out of nowhere and circled me. The owner was shocked into disbelief. How did MY dog circle you? He threatened me is what the man said he just threatened me and eye was so scared that mamsie would be mad at me again about it that eye ran all down the way to get the dog away from leg. But you TOLD me you are not even bitten show me the teeth marks where did the DOG hurt you? NON there is none the stranger was scared now of this homeowner eye keep telling yew eye was scared the dog it circled me. It hemmed me in with pause. It Threatened me. The home owner glared at the dog killer once. The man turned envy. He looked at the floor the wall the back of his hand his nerves so taught he was stretched way too thinly disguised again. Eye did NOT kill the dog. NON the man was disgusted you removed her collar and let her go she ran away she will not come back today she may die eye have no sugar candy in my eye the dog was GOD to mee eye am angry to the point of no distractions. Lassie was a good girl. He opened the door to the back porch and stood there and cried. Come home Lassie Come home just makes the heart melt to here words poured like bitter rain. And suddenly there she was just like in the movies and the television shows. A happy ending the visitor left and the man put back the collar on Lassie again. A threat intended in the twilight zone with innuendo.

Monday, April 21, 2008

1oe four4ie

1oe four4ie

TIME IS OVERTIME HAS COME TODAYThe ews report was sketchy the Google ads were saying O O you ca ot be serious. The letter ext to m and o is missig. THE atios Capital gave a disclaimer said the Russias fially did it. The Cetral America figure of Giat Clay with the caverous MAW of a mouth was heard to say. Othig. We ca ot do the ews from aroud the world without the e s.
Wome are four times more likely tha me to give out "passwords" i exchage for chocolate bars.
A survey by of 576 office workers in cetral Lodo foud that women are far more likely to give away their computer passwords to total stragers tha their male couterparts, with 45 per cet of wome versus te per cet of me prepared to give away their logi credetials to stragers masqueradig as market researchers
The survey, coducted outside Liverpool Street Statio in the City of Londo, was actually part of a social egieerig exercise to raise awareess about iformatio security in the ru-up to ext week's Ifosec Europe coferece.
Ifosec has coducted similar surveys every year for at least the last five years ivolvig puters apparetly hading over logi credetials in exchage for free pes or chocolate rewards.
Little attempt is made to verify the autheticity of the passwords, beyod follow-up questios askig what category it falls uder. So we don't know whether women respoding to the survey filled i ay old rubbish in retur for a choccy treat or haded out their real passwords
THE N was soon recovered it was hiding in an AD in the middle of the INTERNET in Plain Site now we are back to normal.
The survey of 576 office workers foud that 45% of wome ad 10% of me would give away passwords to stragers masquerading as market researches with the lure of a chocolate bar as a icetive for completing the survey. The survey, coducted outside Liverpool Street Statio I the City of Lodo, was actually part of a social egieerig exercise to raise awareess about iformatio security.
Oh o it went agai the is goe.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


100fourty7n 100fourty7n CharlaXFabels SABBOATH “Every seventh day is mine keep it holy unto me,” The Sabbath day. What do we rally knoe about it ewe. There is only one GOD and his Apostles in the form of one forgiven out of time the Converted Saul become the Paul he stated we have no Sabbath day upon this Earth so we look for the one to come. Perhaps he was having a bad Saturday or Sunday. The weekly Sabbath: is it to be Saturday or Sunday? In some areas of Africa we can find a four day week. The ancient Greeks once had a ten day week; the ancient Romans once weeked for eight days. Conservative Christians generally believe that the seven day week of the Hebrews was derived from creation week where God is described as having rested on the seventh day after six days of creation. Historians discuss the weekly Sabbath and other religious ceremonies of the Jewish and early Christian believers. Also covered are the reasons why they were abandoned by the Christian church, and remain abandoned today within most denominations. This is a fabel thought not intended to replace ewe religion attitude but food for thought to make a person think intended to cause a search in the write direction most people have a place to visit a kingdom hall a church or a mission. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: (in it) thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." The capital S is mine the poetical license plate in use on this Saturday Sabbath. The Theological base of The Church of Haile Selassie I is founded upon temple worship through liturgical chant and rituals dated back to the days of Moses in the wilderness. This is known as Rastalogy 'Black Theology' based on the divinity of Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of Yahweh Elohim Sabboath, 225th rebirth of King Solomon of Jersalem. 20. Sabbath: The beneficent Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. The fourth commandment of God's unchangeable law requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, a token of our allegiance, and a foretaste of our eternal future in God's kingdom. The Sabbath is God's perpetual sign of His eternal covenant between Him and His people. Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to evening, sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God's creative and redemptive acts. (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Luke 4:16; Isa. 56:5, 6; 58:13, 14; Matt. 12:1-12; Ex. 31:13-17; Eze. 20:12, 20; Deut. 5:12-15; Heb. 4:1-11; Lev. 23:32; Mark 1:32.) Chant for me at the place ewe go to chant. Fill your heart with Jesus man. Catch your kisses in the wind knoe mye heart is filled with ewe again. Learn what it means to be forgiven. Smile at eye smile and never frown take the worry from your brow. Eye have found she it is who loves mee. The Sabbath come early before the Heaven come. Mye Saturday and Sunday now. Mye calm mye eye of hericane. My precious love.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

One100thirt30y9nine One100thirt30y9nine CharlaXFabels The Wind Race the wind a nest is tossed and lost the egg not found the tender Mary bird is flying wonderful and feathered nesting she is making life is all a miracle of love a spring breeze blowing in April flowers blooming easing hearts so used to winter dearth. The candle capped not lighted in the wind terrible beginnings of a life in sin pretending to be saved a creature eye become mending glue staples sorrow failing mee the left is goat the sheep is right to be found numbered as the sheep oh let this be mye plight the wind is candy kisses to mye love she it is who loves mee listen to the wind eye here her crying out she always has a kiss that tastes like mint like a green wonderful thing found laying in the grass a home a house restored a love not bought with silver or with gold but beating love. Martin Luther said it better than the eye iff works can save mee eye am eye but all my works place end to end will not reach the door of Heaven non Angels reaching for mye hand can nary let me inn. The Way is barred to goodness and to works nay only one way can be found the giving of the bound and pressured JESUS the LORD giving arms so wide upon the Tree, he died, The Cross, gentle reader ewe, let heart set free let liberty prevail not dearth of hearth set soul for Heaven sail with mee say JESUS live the life forgivenness be free a vow of poverty will hardships never leave the end of sewing eye of needle come fitting in mye time as eye walk so happy and so blessed with love inside of mee eye die a better man for having loved violet a life eye find for she has mended it let violet receive her kisses in the wind.