Thursday, April 24, 2008


1506 1506 CharlaXFabels ThreatenInnuendo People are far too numerous in this millennium they need to thin the thorny ones out so the flowers can bloom and blossom. Remember that this is just a fabel not intended to convey the actual truth unless indicated this is just a threat intended to make mirth. How do yew remember all those passwords some of them is different how old bean do we always manage to log in to all those different accounts oh alien. A conversation with the self the ego and the id the eye and mee. The collar was on the shelf the man was speaking to the owner of the house. The dog left me little choice the thing came out of nowhere and circled me. The owner was shocked into disbelief. How did MY dog circle you? He threatened me is what the man said he just threatened me and eye was so scared that mamsie would be mad at me again about it that eye ran all down the way to get the dog away from leg. But you TOLD me you are not even bitten show me the teeth marks where did the DOG hurt you? NON there is none the stranger was scared now of this homeowner eye keep telling yew eye was scared the dog it circled me. It hemmed me in with pause. It Threatened me. The home owner glared at the dog killer once. The man turned envy. He looked at the floor the wall the back of his hand his nerves so taught he was stretched way too thinly disguised again. Eye did NOT kill the dog. NON the man was disgusted you removed her collar and let her go she ran away she will not come back today she may die eye have no sugar candy in my eye the dog was GOD to mee eye am angry to the point of no distractions. Lassie was a good girl. He opened the door to the back porch and stood there and cried. Come home Lassie Come home just makes the heart melt to here words poured like bitter rain. And suddenly there she was just like in the movies and the television shows. A happy ending the visitor left and the man put back the collar on Lassie again. A threat intended in the twilight zone with innuendo.

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