Wednesday, May 21, 2008


1one77 1one77 CharlaXFabels HootYOWL He turned his head around no he looked very much as iff he did it eye finally saw a large OWL do that face thing they do so well. The bandit mask looks very strang so very much the ghost like creature. Chalk white it was with the entire face covered and the wings were near as huge as any CONDOR. My hooty owl had come to visit and they came in three of them, out there it was Three AM and eye hear three times the hoot hooty hoot eye knoe so well. It could have been just two of them with the third time his reply to mate but fate decrees the nest and GOD does all the rest of things like this. A third baby owl is not amiss to think. For she would have her voice and sound just much like her mother. The owl family is the barn owl variety eye am reminded of the internet joke now. When the Judge asked the survivor what the Spotted Owl tasted like he quickly stated Condor and the Buffalo. Where did you eat that stuff the Judge was most impressed the man was soon abashed and added fifty years to his lessor charge. She started oh so slow and sweet no not a tweet a hoot. A Definitive hoot. Hoot HootY Hoot a pause and two more hooters sounded thrice. There was at least the other one in answer could there have been the third a child perhaps of union of the birds. This owl she is not shy for eye saw her face close up she is quite white a barn owl is all she is is how the stranger stated this. So huge a bird near as quite as large as any condor she has her mate and soon there will be others near. The owl so hidden in the dark so gone a form eye seldom walk at night but let them rule the dark eye love to hear them talk they speak of love and not the barn the tree is home both the cactus and the limb they love. Do not feel sorry for the little one ewe most of them are still learning how to eat the vegetation there is more than meat for a barn owl to eat. Most people plant a garden they want the owls to come police the vegetables please eat the mouses they miss them mostly in the desert places for eye have so many of them. Ewe they eat the better pieces of mye cactus.

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