Monday, November 3, 2008

Part Three WF

Part Three WF
Part Three WF
Part Three WF
Part Three WF
The next day he opened the side of the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater that the President of the Company Thommas Whirly had sent out by parcel post he had mailed it over two weeks ago again Plence was still upset at the way that President Thommas Whirly was anticipating the unrolling of events he was unnerved at the timing. The mock up included a rubber grommet spray painted silver it was supposed to be a silver bar the finished product. Rothechilde P. Asthmatic the federal agent the presenter taker for the Federal Government Department of Patents the United States patent and Trademark Office T.M. @ was slowly making notes. He said, "this patent will not be issued unless you can convince me that the machine works." Plence started to sweat. "This one sided mechanism has a access panel on the inside only it latches automatically. The green light is powered by the same CobaltBlueT.M.@ that powers the silver bars inside the Pipe.T.M.@ and moves them along at centrifugal force to the bottom of the Nearest Ocean Sea. The CObalt Blue is located in the center of the box for maximum safety the only way it explodes is customer error." Asthmatic coughed a bit at this and looked up his eyebrow was moving like a bmovie imatation of Spock. He tried to smile. Plence wiped and mopped. He continued, "the PIPET.M.@ is attached at the outlet on the left hand side no the right hand side. The AcmeLighteningRodT.M.@ is attached to the ground wire on the left side of the CobaltBlue box the purple side no wait it must be the right side." He was so confused and nervous. "But how does the CobaltRadiation move the bars along the pipe." This last part was from the FED. "Just explain that and you have your patent #EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092" this number happened to be the operational number it was Whirlys idea. Thommas should be here to do this instead of me this was Plences conscience crying out for mercy. "CharlaX the poet and Jesus Freak has designed the CobaltBlue he was making a indivisible invisible bomb to thin the students priority when he decided to work FOR mankind instead and made this power that we use. Its non-lethal radiation is the power behind the force. He has no patent but he does copywrite his poems. EYE can explain the centrifugal force it lifts the silver bars all at once like a vacumn in space and moves them en masse down the pipe at an incredible pace. At subatomic levels the atoms look like tinker toys all locked together to make a log cabin." "Thats fine" this presentation is now over said the FED. He closed the notetaking book and smiled real big You have your Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater patent pending. Eye am familiar with Doctor Hices work. He is a genious.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


A whirlyfritzer patent#EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092
"But eye am the Treasurer and eye hate to fly", said Romand Plence of the company. "Why can’t the president of this company go and DO THIS see eh?"This last part was approaching the limit of the hearing for decibel rendering. "For once eye agree with you DOdnald"said President Thommas Whirly. That’s Romand. "What ever" said the President Thommas Whirly again he turned and said DOdnald in a duck like voice and we all supposed thet he was meanting Donald the duck. DOdnald DUck. Someone has got to get this patent to the patent office in Washington D.C. today. The supersonic airliner is the fastest means of transport on this Earth. The plans is so secret to the Cobalt Blue box that we are handcuffing them to you and mailing the key to the patent office. You are not to lose the briefcase no matter what. He had no problems getting to the airport in a Taxi Cab hack for this was Old New York the fares were all affordable to men. Donald Duck Plence got his first taste of excitement at the airport waiting for his transport into Washington. There was a ganger he was sliding up behind him with his huggies to his knees and his hat cap on backwards. He froze once when the Security Guard came too close he was in jeopardy the man would knoe it was not his briefcase and then the thing grew taught like a fishing line and he was turning to see just what he was caught on when the Donald yelled WHAT are you doing you Thief in this Airport. The ganger almost cried for he would not let go of the case it had a leather hide. You can not have this case the Donald almost smiled without cutting off my arm. The ganger was reaching for his switchblade knife but why it would not cut they never use them in a slice fight. The Guard came up and handcuffed him and led him away to Detention he was heard to say before he was outasight "This is not my lucky day or night." La Guardia is not a place for thieves in the day or the night. This should be the airport Motto. he was running now to get to the gate Security waved him threw at every checkpoint no one wanted to mess with his Government clearance (it was bogus just an afterthought of Whirly himmself he had ordered the Badge from T.M.@Radiosnack The most prolific bogus badge maker in the internet. When he got to Washington.D.C. to the (Airport namme) in Washington there was a memo waiting for him a MAN was walking with a SIGN BOARD that said WHIRLY and he was carrying a memo pad with one piece of borrowed paper on it that was found and scrounge out of someone elses notebook. He stepped up to this man with some apprehenshion. The note was short and to the point is said +"Pleance there is a new T.M.@Pipe so the ensample case is there on the front of the next counter you are coming to swing to the left and step over and pick it up. Good Lord said the Donald what iff eye missed it they are rally splitting hairs. He saw the oblong oboe case and opened it to be sure he had the right piece of equipment. It was a short mock up of a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater pipeT.M.@ inside the case also was a can of white elmer like substance the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue@T.M. and a new memo. WEll done DOdnald now go to the MOtel we have arranged for your presentation meeting to be tommorrow. Order up several of those Arizona Dancing girls they love to come to old mens rooms and party. When he got to the room which was the Best Western Motel nearest and cheapest to the Airport he learned first hand how to remove a Jacket and a shirt from over a small briefcase and he had to wash them in the bathtub actually the shower stall and he turned the hottest water on to get them cleanest as he can and he had to put them in the closet on the wire hanger they provided. He left it there a shirt and a jacket away from being naked and he cried. He went to the presentation full of mixed emotions not sure that he was still alive. It was now a MOnday. They will see you now the Secretary smiled. He telephone was a giant Quarter with the reciever lifted it said two bits and was kinda very funny of a device he entered the enter sanctumonium. He was given the key by the representative of the United States Government who was also a Fedearal Agent.


Part2 two
He was taken into the presentation room by a young secretary she was only 19 she was from Arizona. Her namme was Crustacean UnChump. She left him there to prepare the slides he removed the PIPET.M. @ from the oboe case and placed the CobaltBlueT.M. @ slide in the viewer and began to practice his orate glad he was alone this time able to prepare it first. He spit a frog out of his throat and began with this "The whirlyfrtizerglomeratialsilverplater will not be sold by us without the purchase of sufficient pipet.m. @ to reach the Ocean Floor or Seabed nearest your homeowner or businesses." We are a profit oriented company. The next slide shows our profit margin for the year past notice the two major setbacks we added a third one recently these slumps were unfortunate but did not affect the total effect of overall performance. He waved his flourish at the front Behold our Pie Chart.T.M.@ Some of this was customer errors. WE halve a half-margin moon pie with enought Black-Ink dollar signs to show a profit into the next millennium. The real presentation now begins. Rothechilde P. Asthmatic was the man in charge today. He was a Federal Agent. Everyone in Washington D.C. is a Federal Agent. The third slide was a lump of Cobalt Blue UkraniumT.M.@. This is non lethal radiation. Cobalt Blue was developed by CharlaX the poet and Jesus Freak in a Science and Engineering building in Southern ASU A small city with a losing football team and poor performance of the young 19 year old girls they drink too many whiskeys and slam too many beers. He almost used this awesome power to make a bomb invisible but his religious fervor decided him instead to create a power needed to move the whirlyfrtizerglomeratialsilverplater bars with centrifugal force to move them quickly threw the pipet.m.@ and into the Ocean or the Sea. Please look closely at the screen This is a lump of Ukranium Blue Number Two. Safe to humans animals birds and other alien life forms. It turns human waste product into silver bars from brown substance. This force from the non-lethal radiation of the cobalt blue will push the silver bars along the pipe with the centrifugal forces of atomics and hydroponics. When glued properly at both ends the thing withstands both temperature and pressures of increasing difficulty. The cobalt blue forces lift the silver bars en masse and move them along at subsonic speeds until they finally reach the Ocean floor or Seabed areas near your homes and businesses. See the warranty warrenty for more information important to the homeowner and businessmen. Businesses that are non-profit or tax-exempt such as Churches can no longer apply for a Whirlyfritzer warrenty warranty. We sell the the pipe.t.m@ and also the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue each item sold separately. Due to a malfunction of the cobalt blue application the purpleglue is white in substance and color almost looking like ElmersGlueall@T.M. When thinly coated on the ends of the pipes each pipe fits each other pipe the secret is in the sizing. Here is a scaled down version of the pipe. And he held up his crokked pipe for the presenter to see. This presentation is running long please stay tuned gentile reader ewe for CHAPTER THREE. The secretary Miss UnChump let him out to go back to the motel and told him you rally have a long URL. "Whirly" eye sent you an email at the motel my namme is Crustacean. See eh??