Sunday, November 2, 2008


A whirlyfritzer patent#EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092
"But eye am the Treasurer and eye hate to fly", said Romand Plence of the company. "Why can’t the president of this company go and DO THIS see eh?"This last part was approaching the limit of the hearing for decibel rendering. "For once eye agree with you DOdnald"said President Thommas Whirly. That’s Romand. "What ever" said the President Thommas Whirly again he turned and said DOdnald in a duck like voice and we all supposed thet he was meanting Donald the duck. DOdnald DUck. Someone has got to get this patent to the patent office in Washington D.C. today. The supersonic airliner is the fastest means of transport on this Earth. The plans is so secret to the Cobalt Blue box that we are handcuffing them to you and mailing the key to the patent office. You are not to lose the briefcase no matter what. He had no problems getting to the airport in a Taxi Cab hack for this was Old New York the fares were all affordable to men. Donald Duck Plence got his first taste of excitement at the airport waiting for his transport into Washington. There was a ganger he was sliding up behind him with his huggies to his knees and his hat cap on backwards. He froze once when the Security Guard came too close he was in jeopardy the man would knoe it was not his briefcase and then the thing grew taught like a fishing line and he was turning to see just what he was caught on when the Donald yelled WHAT are you doing you Thief in this Airport. The ganger almost cried for he would not let go of the case it had a leather hide. You can not have this case the Donald almost smiled without cutting off my arm. The ganger was reaching for his switchblade knife but why it would not cut they never use them in a slice fight. The Guard came up and handcuffed him and led him away to Detention he was heard to say before he was outasight "This is not my lucky day or night." La Guardia is not a place for thieves in the day or the night. This should be the airport Motto. he was running now to get to the gate Security waved him threw at every checkpoint no one wanted to mess with his Government clearance (it was bogus just an afterthought of Whirly himmself he had ordered the Badge from T.M.@Radiosnack The most prolific bogus badge maker in the internet. When he got to Washington.D.C. to the (Airport namme) in Washington there was a memo waiting for him a MAN was walking with a SIGN BOARD that said WHIRLY and he was carrying a memo pad with one piece of borrowed paper on it that was found and scrounge out of someone elses notebook. He stepped up to this man with some apprehenshion. The note was short and to the point is said +"Pleance there is a new T.M.@Pipe so the ensample case is there on the front of the next counter you are coming to swing to the left and step over and pick it up. Good Lord said the Donald what iff eye missed it they are rally splitting hairs. He saw the oblong oboe case and opened it to be sure he had the right piece of equipment. It was a short mock up of a whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater pipeT.M.@ inside the case also was a can of white elmer like substance the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue@T.M. and a new memo. WEll done DOdnald now go to the MOtel we have arranged for your presentation meeting to be tommorrow. Order up several of those Arizona Dancing girls they love to come to old mens rooms and party. When he got to the room which was the Best Western Motel nearest and cheapest to the Airport he learned first hand how to remove a Jacket and a shirt from over a small briefcase and he had to wash them in the bathtub actually the shower stall and he turned the hottest water on to get them cleanest as he can and he had to put them in the closet on the wire hanger they provided. He left it there a shirt and a jacket away from being naked and he cried. He went to the presentation full of mixed emotions not sure that he was still alive. It was now a MOnday. They will see you now the Secretary smiled. He telephone was a giant Quarter with the reciever lifted it said two bits and was kinda very funny of a device he entered the enter sanctumonium. He was given the key by the representative of the United States Government who was also a Fedearal Agent.

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