Monday, September 14, 2009


Who is Edgar Rice Cakes? What does HE have to do with John Burroughs. Jesus Crisis. What is this? A novella nuevo bye charlaxandroidoneseven. CA17. Short for Para Cayce. I have read the DeadSeaScrolling. On the PDF machine. Let me inform on my brothers in the LORD there is seldom any evidenced. These fragments of Aromaic Archaic would cause language EXPERTS in the field years of Formatting on a Word Processing machine. Butt Doctor Caycey has Decided it somehow pertains to Jesus.? Oye Vey. I admitted in a Court Room of lawyers I have not studied all his problems yet I must admit I cannot read those fragments of isometric triangular wordage. You must admit these people did preserve it as iff it were a GOSPEL message. A cave a bunch of yearns placed near the Monestary Remains to find considering the way Climatic Changes occur the evelation of the Earth is never level Seas rise where desert climes once failed to thrive. Perhaps a sub culture of Future Post Apolyptic Snow Men; all white and hairy like the Yeti. Abominable in every way with patches of glowing purple hair where the radiation has burned some of the fur away to reveal faults underneath no clothing there. They find a pristene City walk into the Revolving Door and fall back out until Discovering when to exit one. What fun. The lobby generator comes on. The Computor Hums. One Yeti moves the mouse Experimentally they gape at Windows song. Not one of them Yeti can get the Computor to do anything they are all just too old. A Robot walks up to the terminal. May I help you SIRS? and /or Madames? They step back agape at this hairless ape a tinsel steel replica of charlaxandroidoneseven. He types in Let me show you my website boys? Do you like poetry as prose? As they fall about the place guffawing they come out rolling the first time I ever saw a bunch of Yeti lawghing. So here we pause. As DeadSeaScrollingbyeCharlaX grows cold.

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