Monday, December 13, 2010

Hors D’oeuvres

Hors D’oeuvres
Statistics keep some from formal eduction Jobs not turning over adds to consternation who will work for food the Cadillac Man is envy jealousy of no one but the other Cadillac Man how rude the Student becomes the upper crust as he derides the beast no more is he the entree’ he is Hors D’oeuvres the least become the peripheral students living in the classroom overturning 43 years of ages Still Sitting in the Study Hall rooms as some become them gangers on the sidewalk of the Big City dodging them balls needing them spoons when will she ever learn to kiss me will she need my kiss from eye or will she never kiss me my lipps so dry just kiss my lipps to get your lover high as they go from salad shooting to flipping olives at the moon they then go dancing in the Fancy restaurant to give the Maitre d’ your raw butternut Squash PUTT this in the Mocrowave for me Gar’c’on select the number four for me butt do not nuke it long

eye AM Hors D’oeuvres

Sunday, September 26, 2010


A list of things and places that eye hate.
The AmeriKan Flag.
Black Hair Ladies.
Friends who only say they are.
Lost loves.
The passing time.
There is only a few things left that eye dont actually hate.
All women and GOD. Is that Several or only two. Eye will never hate ewes. Or Jesus as he loves us. Mostly only past tenses of Deadeyes losses. Everywhere eye have ever been where eye can never go there or back again.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Be my Valentine Be my Valentine Be my Valentine To Megon Callings

Be my Valentine
Be my Valentine
Be my Valentine
To Megon Callings
May She rest in peace.
Be my Valentine I lost at life
I lost at love I have no one
to call mine Please someone
Call my TOMB Charles Robert Hice
Copyright ©2006 Charles Hice
@2010 revised standard version
Charles Hice

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Eye am Zakyneros. The Mastodon will not last all winter the meat is getting spoiled. Eye made moccasins out of the hide near the top of the leg on the left side the feet kept from freezing mostly from the fact there is no snow at this lower elevation near my base camp at the hillside there is the cave eye use for winter as a hiding place eye took some straw and filled the toes of the shoes for warmth my feet lined up with the east at nite as all Neo Mexocos lobos sleep in the native style of the villagers. Only eye escaped to survive the fires were the only thing to be seen after the last battle no one called my namme. It is 500 BC, eye am inscribing this on the mystery stone on the hillside near Albuquerque. There is fish in the river but eye require tons of fresh meat eye will kill another Giant Mastodon before winter the same as eye got the first in the pits near the center of the level place walking from the mountains down. The Commandments of the Aleins are not simple and eye am having trouble with the languages eye knoe only simple Hebrew the rest is Greek to me. The Seekers from the sky are mean and eye must obey them they seem very gay as people go. They gave me a set of Ten Commandments to set upon the mystery stone when asked they said we Seekers from the Stars are Atheists and ALeins we deliver these to new worlds for a cosmic joke. Set them down in your Decalouge mighty Zaykneros and they laughed at me because they are so gay and happy. Eye am still having trouble with the languages.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


eye will have poetry in my life.

eye will have ewe in my life.
And adventure.

ewe will have poetry in your life.
And love. Love above all.
No ... not the namby pamby of a useless new york fop but a lot of love,
not playful and poetical games of love
for the ruination of an evening, but love
that ... respects life. Unbiddable,
ungovernable --- like a riot in the heart,
and nothing to be done, running up and down all my emotions on come ruin or rapture.
Love --- like there has never been in a respectful play.

for ewe are still and ever mye Lady.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

dalevypoet"To d.a.levy"

dalevypoet"To d.a.levy"
To d.a.levy
Ucanhaveyourcityfalconback LOLZX
They relaxed some of the restrictions in the UofA liberry where eye sit at a computer terminally ill and work haah a little levity of brevity proportions. It's called the Hayden lieberry and you would hate the student priority just because the administration makes it a rule. Imagine working and saving work and being told this is a public lieberry but the students have the priority so you are not a student or affiliated lifer then YOU MUST LEAVE please just vacate the computor. Eye place all my stuffins in my email for later and feel rejected of men all day for eye am a Christian. Eye go upstairs and use the eterminals for my 15 minutes of fame it makes me feel better. Eye walked outside at seven o'clock after an all nite session they let the public stay on terminals now they say it is a policy. Now please erase the priority. Eye could do more and better work without the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Being forced away just when eye need to copy and past my best poetry again. We have forgotton how to protest non violently they make the effigy and burn the thing but this very day eye saw a man in a suit and tie and called him ADMAN. As eye began to cry eye began to exclaim non it was not a whimper or a whisper but very loud in ears so deaf as he walked away and never heard me at all eye was heard to exclaim to all a good day and eye said IFF THEY HANG ABOUT %%55 of you INTO A TREE and leave you there mabe the restrictions will then get better. NO apology forthcoming. Ed.Note. Of course eye sincerely hope that no violence is committed iff anyone is interested in hanging anyone please just use invisible rope so on this Birthday of Cleveland's hope no one is harmed hurt or choked. Happy Birthday d.a. levy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


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Its Maunday Thursday. "Wash mye feet replace the socks with meat leave the dime a tip", he said it with a smile like lisp. "Its not Monday", she replied. She went on to say "my yesterday was Wandsday" and she is not thirsty. "Eye am not a dime", she said it strong. "Dont you call me a dime." (Dame) Edna. "Its the Last Supper anyhow", he said it with a smile like twist. "Oh no she cried we will eat again." "We are not pagan." "We can eat anything cause we are Christian." "Eggs and eggs and more eggs cause that Bunny Hopped around." Christian apology for paroday. "Let me have mye way with you mye Dear", he said it with a smile so clear. And when the Rabbit died the Lord was born. (Inn many poor tenements and outhouses). Mandatum is where we get Mandate from and datum is where we get data from and we get plenty data from a Mandate dont we minions. You took an oath they cried but there is no money in the pledge box we cry. Eye can raise my arm and pledge a lot but paying is something else come what may come what might be a hard thing to accomplish sometime. There is eggs in all mye pocketses. "Let me marry ewe and make an honest woman out of ewe" he said it with a smile so broad. She said, "my Husband already did that when he gave me our wedding band." "What kind of band did play at your wedding," he said it with a smile and also said he was thirsty. "A soap box with a derby on some spoons and one guy tarred." "We have some wine to share its grape for you and white for eye." "He cried." He said it with a smile with all that egg upon his facebook page he cant delete he cant erase and so he cried there for a while a aaa large disgrace." On MaundyThirsty day in April.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Its Maunday Thursday. "Wash mye feet replace the socks with meat leave the dime a tip", he said it with a smile like lisp. "Its not Monday", she replied. She went on to say "my yesterday was Wandsday" and she is not thirsty. "Eye am not a dime", she said it strong. "Dont you call me a dime." (Dame) Edna. "Its the Last Supper anyhow", he said it with a smile like twist. "Oh no she cried we will eat again." "We are not pagan." "We can eat anything cause we are Christian." "Eggs and eggs and more eggs cause that Bunny Hopped around." Christian apology for paroday. "Let me have mye way with you mye Dear", he said it with a smile so clear. And when the Rabbit died the Lord was born. (Inn many poor tenements and outhouses). Mandatum is where we get Mandate from and datum is where we get data from and we get plenty data from a Mandate dont we minions. You took an oath they cried but there is no money in the pledge box we cry. Eye can raise my arm and pledge a lot but paying is something else come what may come what might be a hard thing to accomplish sometime. There is eggs in all mye pocketses. "Let me marry ewe and make an honest woman out of ewe" he said it with a smile so broad. She said, "my Husband already did that when he gave me our wedding band." "What kind of band did play at your wedding," he said it with a smile and also said he was thirsty. "A soap box with a derby on some spoons and one guy tarred." "We have some wine to share its grape for you and white for eye." "He cried." He said it with a smile with all that egg upon his facebook page he cant delete he cant erase and so he cried there for a while a aaa large disgrace." On MaundyThirsty day in April.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Desolation standing in The Holy Place dripping snow off mye boots and wiping eye. Perhaps the Temple in Jerusalem is only the Mosque of the DOME after all. The Dome where NERO once stood with his pet pig perhaps the skunk will sufficeth for eye need to take my pet with me to comfort me. The bible says the head hath a wound that was healed. Perhaps not meaning CharlaX at all. Perhaps only a statue depicting a really ugly man or even a real ugly beast risen from the sea the spitting image of the first beast who is like unto the beast able to rain FIRE down from the heavens upon the Human Cities perhaps even the people will Worship for they do not love themselves and love the evil. This may cause this Image of the beast to actually come to life. The God Mammon and the god Satan combined and dancing together for the first time. Dancing for one last time for all who would not worship this beast and HIS image will be slain. Cast forth from the temple in the rain I hope I can be worthy to be taken then, Mye Crown a forfeit for the real Prince of Life, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Head OFF into the SUnset into the next life into the sunset on a horse with a hair trigger on your gun into the next life upon a horse like Roy ROgers on a horse into the next life like EL CID was just an Actor doing Charlston on a stage like Roy ROgers making movies like Ginger ROgers making waves. Like WIll ROgers in his grave his saving Grace, Head OFF. "apotheosis


Head OFF into the SUnset into the next life into the sunset on a horse with a hair trigger on your gun into the next life upon a horse like Roy ROgers on a horse into the next life like EL CID was just an Actor doing Charlston on a stage like Roy ROgers making movies like Ginger ROgers making waves. Like WIll ROgers in his grave his saving Grace, Head OFF. "apotheosis