Friday, October 16, 2009


I was once more arressted for changing clothing in public the Policeman thought he had a Robber Baronette even after I explained that I was Homeless and the clothes were mine he said FINED and I can Arresst you for robbing yourself. I said WHATS the charge? He said Come along now We will think of something. I once made a small fire near a Motel Parking Lot. Misquiteoes was bad. I had Beer I had SIX packed. When the cops came I was so suprised I dumped out the last beer onto the little fire and made it go away too all at the same time they Laughed and left me there Hoping the Misquiteoes carried me away. All they said was Do not ever do THAT again or we will be back but they were Guffawing and laughing saying did you see that LOOK on his face that he gave us. ? Poor Jesus. Inn a Police Station they once let me out of City Jail. The premises was meant to Blow a Balloon test. I was so angry that He had arressted me for drinking only ONE QUART of BEER that I Huffed and Puffed and blew his balloon up. Really it exploded. SO, he arressted me for destrying public property. I did more time for that then I would have for being really Drunk would have gotten me a shorter stay. They Published my picture in the City Newspaper with a Caption under it all it said was Public Drunk. Even the Policeman when asked admitted they went too far and blew it up out of proportions since a Quart of Beer was only 32 ounces that Equals two cans of beer and six ounces almost the legal limit certainly not enought to be a drunk on. They were just mad at me and getting even that is why to this day that I still stay angry with the Justice System. They get things wrong more often than not. I blew a real Breathilizer Machine in the Salvation Army after they told me they smelled beer on me and kicked me out anyway I went to the line told the man to give me a straw and blew a 4.3. Banned me from staying there for Thirty days or four weeks. Said to my face You are legally dead. Drunk is what I was. I was sent to the office where they said you owe use three million dollars. You should not have tried to stay in this place here. You have stayed two many times our Charity is dry where your concerned as dry as your old poor bones. SO now I make my own home. I could write many more factual arressts reports but most of them too painfull to rembrence. Now that I am sober there are far fewer of them. Crime does not pay well today. They kick drunks out after a usual stay of only four hours. Find a moral to this story. Drink your happiness at home and stay there lock your door. When in Rome be a Roman when at home be a human. Sober up and stay that way a Public Person homeless and not helpless as I left the town where I was born for what turned out to be the last time out I noticed a Drunk sitting on the sidewalk near a bar. His head was nodding sleepy his legs tucked underneathe him a paroday of resting waiting to be arressted. A sacrificial offering the Jackrolling Drunkards an easy target will attend him later he will awaken with nothing lucky just to be alive. Still laying near the dive iff the Policeman has ignored him I still feel sorry for him even now knoeing they will even get his shoes and clothing wallet gone his snoring all thats left to him it's true. It can even happen to most all of you. Beware the excess drinking or wind up a JesusInnJail. It happened to CharlaX a time or two.

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