Thursday, December 26, 2013

Writers Bloc

Writers Bloc
and so we come to the finial evaluation the apex of the trepidation the worry and the fear fall threw the roof of the ivory workshop
there is nothing new to be written all the ideas are used
like a closet hook full
like a treetop in an inferno no a tornadoe
or a rabbit in his hutch or out to lunch
a carat needs a ring
the sloping roof spills rain
there is no dry spot no human refuge in affinity
does the wording fool the eye no way
does the reader wipe his forehead his headache needs a pill oh chill gentle people reach out to your imagination use the hidden box to find the key open the mind and read the written pondering
Lunch will be at Five Pm today due to infernal conflicting demanding needing yearning hunger
and because it gives me time to play inside
the weather changed from one day to the next
a real sow easter blowing my mind
welcome back to
Writers BLoc
a carat needs a ring the sloping roof spills rain   Writers Bloc Writers Bloc and so we come to the finial evaluation the apex of the trepidation the worry and the fear fall threw the roof of the ivor

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