Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The title is a mere representation of this poem a reflection of the authors brain not to be mistaken as actual contented words. Milkknots. For poems. Poems of poetry are not political but poetical as is the poet. AS IS THIS POET. I could not care less about politicks as a general public user of this internetted web. Mess. Eggs plus potatoes is the best. Stay with me I leave on a tanget. Food for thoughts. I will trade you a Promised airy note Next Tuesday for a WHimpy Burger today. A can of Popeye Spinacher is just substance in decay. I need some money for a candle to light mye whey. Triple play. CharlaXPauper : I spend money other people give me like water it is in mye hand and gone at the almost same instant of time. CharlaXWinterWise : I Keep some money back but use the stuff I have in an effort to survive the Winter coming longer than I like to keep it. CharlaXMiser : I keep some money longer than I need it I wish I could do just do what Jesus teaches. Over all the poet is unhappy with his own demise. Born once it did not take the first time. Born again. Thats Born twice. Religion. Being born this third time in snow and ice is nice I guess this proves GOD in JESUS loves me twice and with this Spirit makes it three times. Love is nice on ice. A play on words now frozen in mye time. POEMPOETRYPOETICALPOET

Saturday, December 12, 2009


The hall moniter lizard is sleeping in the hall he lays eggs where they will fall. The pyramid is top heavy at the wrong end. Too many chiefs and not one little Indian. Richard Tracy turn off that cell phoney. I cant here the lieberry. Outside is the snow is falling. Most people do not have snow shoes. Or enought socks. Or even WINTER clothing. Most people do there thing all over this campus without being rude to other individuals when it happens I assume it is your fault not mine because logic fails to understand iff it was me and the fault was mine then I would be ALL OVER THIS CAMPUS being rude to too many people and I would get in trouble. But as it is I am sitting and being rudely interrupted every time I start to work on poems. Get a real life Rudecrows. Stop stepping on charlax toes. Conversation ended girl at the busstop caught a ride with her friendly not to eye waited for them to ask me to get inside that car in Vain the driver shook her head and off to town they went stranding me at a 7:30 AM on this Saturday NO BUSS forthcoming, so eye walked to town torn up inside at what rude crow people do to all old men she was a Rudecrow. First foremost a Drunken reeling from a bar and restaurant Back and forth HE went Blind to all he sees on slidewalk coming right at ME eye Barked at Him eye turned and emphasized mye fist at Him he turned and then I caught the laughter HE was laughing at ME at the old man pretending to defend eye again. He was a Rudecrow. The Final Irony is Vanity eye cannot even have my charity to remove a shirt a layer of warmth insanity I need everydry thing I have twice I take them off the next day I putt them back on back hard bitten by the freeze I always avoided Northern Climes in Winter thrust upon me defeats the Charity inside me. For unless I can survive at more then 15 below Zero which thing I did on Monday of this week. The temperature has risen up above the Zero Point again. On mye thermometer I will remain a facimile of a Rudecrow.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I wrote a poem with BLACK ebon ink. It was dark and messed upon the page has lines between the white spaces where I write between them lines a sample prose. A man should not drink water from a Garden hose or irrigate an alley way with his doodle like a yankee marking his time inplacing his feathor replacing his doodle in his Cap off the bottle this stuff and sell it one at a time you could make a million doodles. One at a time. One to a customer. One to everyone. Hurray. Hurray. Step write up. Get your doodle cup. A feathor in your cap. You Yankee. Do you think they really beat them up those real actors in the movies or just dummies, yankees, feathorers, and doodlers. Be careful iff asked to Stand-in front of the Camera. Feathor your DoodleCup you Yankee dummy up and do not forget to say Sheeze.

Monday, November 30, 2009


for John Jesus
HOW do you knoe what day it is ? there was no answer. I tapped the wall again with my plasticup. This time it came back three taps. HOW do you mark time ? There was this long pause I almost missed his hurried "wwwith a pencil; on the wallll" I smiled no need now for taps at all , I tried to make it louder in the wall. HOW DO YOU KNOE what day it is ? This time I heard him quite easily. NO need to yell HE said I was only just whispering. Keep your voice DOWN the guards would punish you for talking to me. I am ready now said HE. I smiled. WHY, its Saturday. HE said its also now the 24th of Feburary putting that extrra r in it like most inmates do. I missed Valentines day there was no one in here to tap on the wall and to talk. Thank you for bringing me up. TO date. Its marked now on the wall. I will leave here next Tuesday 27th after all its only thirty days in the hole. WHy are you in this place I mean why were you arresstted you are doing time like a felony person ? You are green HE said they call it a Felon. I spit on the sidewalk near a Copper Patrolman he stepped he slapped his cuffed on me hurt my ear bad. I get no blanket on the bed the coffee cold one cutt of meat so old on bread. Oh is that all you did ? At least the Killing is over I got the last one of them the last Saturday that I was still free. I almost hit his girl but she screamed and HE came running quick and I Zapped him with my ZIP gun. DAY, HE said. Whats that ? I almost whispered it. Your namme is DAY, in stir. I made a mark on the wall where i had started my calendar with a pencil there. Saturday with a slash 24. I added FEB above it. Whats YOUR namme ? In stir ? It came back fast; Im ZIP. Its easy to get one bullit on the street to make a gun with a pipe and a twist it. How many are dead ? Three. HE sighed. There was three. What did they do to YOU ? I was almost crying now. They killed my Mother they put her to sleep like a dog. I said ZIP. HE said DAY. I paused long and I thought hardly at all. GOOD for you, was all I cuold say.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The KnockKnock Knot

The KnockKnock Knot
A Joke
The KnockKnock Knot
A woman tried to hand me a burlap bag
with something wiggeling inside the side
I refused to accept
WHAT pray tell
you may ask me
well I thought It might be a kitten
so I calmly balked at her offer and eye said
Eye already have one of those at home.
She smiled and said
I guess you love onions.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was torn into the day i met you. Bought by flesh and blood that man he loved you. He knoes the love is never gonna leave me. I think now that im glad i lived to meet you. Lost in snows horizen. Perhaps the mountain there between us stops the pain from killing frozenly my heart keeps beating. ANger threatens to engulf me only when im missing you. I did not knoe love would threaten to extinct me species male and female deep within me. Never will I ever let the love you gave me leave me. WOrds is like promises hard to keep but easy to get rid of only file this in your harddrive baby That Moon will frown down upon that town That Sun will burn That Mountain down That Sky will fly above them Stars before I will let you get away from Love for today is written in this poem I did not knoe Love.

Monday, November 9, 2009


They had to ask me do you like dark meat. Are you a leg man or thigh. White meat or half a chicken basket. WIngs with sauce or BBQ instead. I was so Hungary whay back when almost like a Foreignor from a COuntry dirty roadway. I like them with meat on them please make the skin extra cripsy so it crunches like crazy lots of monosodium salt that low California kind with lots of peppers. I take the meat from the carcasses from the breasts first it makes the wishbone left there for later use. Two sides both of them are USUALLY white. The Back is just not a lot of meat there but dark. WIngs you gotta sort of go in between the bones to get some. The legs are dark but meat is plenty. The thighs are mostly there. No Bones at all on some makes this chicken seem like fun. Its there you are quite sure when chewing on a leg you go around them. I used to eat the ends to get the gristle there dont puke its fun and sometimes bone gets splintered on the end and then bones get marrow they taper off and last longer when chewing dont go down too far. The neck was once my favorite part i must be part skunk to want to go in between all that layered inn bone. Back before I was never A Christian. I got some Chicken. WHen i went to fast food places i never wanted the chicken sandwiches I always asked for fishes. Bread on white rolled up with mustard onions if you got em. Just never could I ever trust those pressed inside ingrediants. I got some Chicken.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


She was a Wicked lady not evil just good looking. She had on Glasses said real quickly she was gonna Save me. SHe said she could gather me collect me put all the CharlaX really on the shelf to get big bucks to make that American Dream pure rust. I blanched for I am really Negro fell into the vat of bleaching at the jobb. See how my hands is differant colored on the palms. I want a real life but poor. I like fish heads and roots and living on the floor. I like to be the master pater in my house. I like to feel alone. I let my thoughts wonder about. NO i have decided to live in real life there is doubt that charlax will ever be gatherod. Three Hots and a cots just dont matter i smatter the poems freely on my free poetry websites. And then i cry at night at such happy sites as i gathor wool while i sleep in hay baled asunder my feet out of the whether or not it rains. GOtcha again havent you read charlax prose poetry in your sordid past mistaken life. Eye am not a Caroling Brunette. She was once my life on her hour long program. NOW, do we need more understanding? As CharlaXGatherod

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I have a bus TICKET on the Trailhound for a delayed departure cost me 29 dollars over the counter I may have to eat the ticket with some bread and salt it is a Jewish thing but mine is not curcumscribed at all I am a little Gentile hangging by the skin of my neck. Sew today in a pocket episode down full obsolete up then turn them both around. I BOUGHT and paid for a MONTHLY 30 day pass so I can ride the SHuttle bus up to this Fort in the SKY. Lewis and Clark would be proud of that Bike path. I lost the seat cover I think it was a girl she wanted something that belonged to eye upon her head after all it was a hat before a seat. I am not a tight wadd by any means next year is soon enought to part with money can be food now needed in the snow. The most important part of any poets day is the internet access and it seems to me that eye now have that sewed asunder. If you got to find a CharlaX poem and for some strang reason have no link there is a picture on the main website that just says Poets over underneathe. Hit the picture where it says next about Thirty Eleven times and CharlaX7 magically appears indifferant to his surroundings hit this link and its the main website now I was very greatly relived to see this work under mye mouse clicked handsome man. The green bike can now be left downtown at the Trolley stopped there when I left. I saw the girl on her bike wearing my bike seat cover its now a hat again and eye am relived again that it was a woman has it no fight is brewing in my time left now available I stay until THREE p.m. so that I have time to gather food for Bebe my pet skunk. SHe never gets enought.


I have a bus TICKET on the Trailhound for a delayed departure cost me 29 dollars over the counter I may have to eat the ticket with some bread and salt it is a Jewish thing but mine is not curcumscribed at all I am a little Gentile hangging by the skin of my neck. Sew today in a pocket episode down full obsolete up then turn them both around. I BOUGHT and paid for a MONTHLY 30 day pass so I can ride the SHuttle bus up to this Fort in the SKY. Lewis and Clark would be proud of that Bike path. I lost the seat cover I think it was a girl she wanted something that belonged to eye upon her head after all it was a hat before a seat. I am not a tight wadd by any means next year is soon enought to part with money can be food now needed in the snow. The most important part of any poets day is the internet access and it seems to me that eye now have that sewed asunder. If you got to find a CharlaX poem and for some strang reason have no link there is a picture on the main website that just says Poets over underneathe. Hit the picture where it says next about Thirty Eleven times and CharlaX7 magically appears indifferant to his surroundings hit this link and its the main website now I was very greatly relived to see this work under mye mouse clicked handsome man. The green bike can now be left downtown at the Trolley stopped there when I left. I saw the girl on her bike wearing my bike seat cover its now a hat again and eye am relived again that it was a woman has it no fight is brewing in my time left now available I stay until THREE p.m. so that I have time to gather food for Bebe my pet skunk. SHe never gets enought.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There is properties of chicken feathers but they ognore the feather part and give us the properties of the feathered barbs. As if all things are meat to eat. There is properties of a hammer they ognore the hammer and give us the properties of wood and metal inclusively breaking the hammer apart into two parts. AHha. Have you ever hit a nail with a part of wood that is hammer headless. Have you ever tried to hammer a nail without a handle in the hammer head. For that matter have you hit a nail with a chicken feather recently feather part or barbs wont matter. This is a Physical Paroday. Let us digress to the saw. The saw teeth has also been called feathers in some areas they keep saws too long. The Idea of a saw is to cut the wood into the handle for the hammer whether they add feathers some Indians dangle them on handles of there hammers and from the saw itself. See the feathers dangle on the saw. See the saw. See the saw cut into wood to make the hammer part. See the Indian make fine Turqouise Jewelry without a saw. He uses feathers leathers and hammers. When he gets hungry he may also use the hammer to get the chicken meat then use the saw to make it fit in better Kenner bake ovens easier. There is wood needed for the fire. Placed into the pan the chicken feathers fry. Barbs is used again four legs and four wings with batter after work is done. Serves a family of Six. Meat is no option in this Physical Paroday.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I was once more arressted for changing clothing in public the Policeman thought he had a Robber Baronette even after I explained that I was Homeless and the clothes were mine he said FINED and I can Arresst you for robbing yourself. I said WHATS the charge? He said Come along now We will think of something. I once made a small fire near a Motel Parking Lot. Misquiteoes was bad. I had Beer I had SIX packed. When the cops came I was so suprised I dumped out the last beer onto the little fire and made it go away too all at the same time they Laughed and left me there Hoping the Misquiteoes carried me away. All they said was Do not ever do THAT again or we will be back but they were Guffawing and laughing saying did you see that LOOK on his face that he gave us. ? Poor Jesus. Inn a Police Station they once let me out of City Jail. The premises was meant to Blow a Balloon test. I was so angry that He had arressted me for drinking only ONE QUART of BEER that I Huffed and Puffed and blew his balloon up. Really it exploded. SO, he arressted me for destrying public property. I did more time for that then I would have for being really Drunk would have gotten me a shorter stay. They Published my picture in the City Newspaper with a Caption under it all it said was Public Drunk. Even the Policeman when asked admitted they went too far and blew it up out of proportions since a Quart of Beer was only 32 ounces that Equals two cans of beer and six ounces almost the legal limit certainly not enought to be a drunk on. They were just mad at me and getting even that is why to this day that I still stay angry with the Justice System. They get things wrong more often than not. I blew a real Breathilizer Machine in the Salvation Army after they told me they smelled beer on me and kicked me out anyway I went to the line told the man to give me a straw and blew a 4.3. Banned me from staying there for Thirty days or four weeks. Said to my face You are legally dead. Drunk is what I was. I was sent to the office where they said you owe use three million dollars. You should not have tried to stay in this place here. You have stayed two many times our Charity is dry where your concerned as dry as your old poor bones. SO now I make my own home. I could write many more factual arressts reports but most of them too painfull to rembrence. Now that I am sober there are far fewer of them. Crime does not pay well today. They kick drunks out after a usual stay of only four hours. Find a moral to this story. Drink your happiness at home and stay there lock your door. When in Rome be a Roman when at home be a human. Sober up and stay that way a Public Person homeless and not helpless as I left the town where I was born for what turned out to be the last time out I noticed a Drunk sitting on the sidewalk near a bar. His head was nodding sleepy his legs tucked underneathe him a paroday of resting waiting to be arressted. A sacrificial offering the Jackrolling Drunkards an easy target will attend him later he will awaken with nothing lucky just to be alive. Still laying near the dive iff the Policeman has ignored him I still feel sorry for him even now knoeing they will even get his shoes and clothing wallet gone his snoring all thats left to him it's true. It can even happen to most all of you. Beware the excess drinking or wind up a JesusInnJail. It happened to CharlaX a time or two.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Pity Patteran ran all over town chased my tail back into place laptop man was trying to be nice, but spaced the meeting that we had the thing completely now he is gonna give to me the business I have no clear idea of future life other than survival of the fitness scared me that he is gonna now give to me an old one in a showbox sick inside at thoughts of suicide is easy in the subzero snowbox just crawl away outside He opened up the case of the FIVE year old Dell He promised me He closed it up said NO I the laptop man have too much info on the harddrive Hurry up crawl all at once just like the Army taught me Once I lay down with Snow all over me its done He said he would fined me another one Iff I still want one but it does not sound good. 1995 0r 1998 premillineum cannot relate Marionette CharlaX is agape aglitch a monumental pain a release a long crawl to Jesus.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Call for edit.
Auf weid er shine off weed er chine 8
Do not weep for weed er shine 7
Off weed er chine auf weid er shine 8
Weep for weed ing chin a men 7
Here we have the classic form but it fits no known patteran it is neither tanka nor haiku. Let us call for edit.
Off Weider Chine
A CharlaXHaiku
Auf Wieder Shine Off Weeder 7
Weep for Weeder Chine 5
Weep for China Men 5
ed.note.ed After edit we have a haiku author complains the meaning is clear let the edit explain Inn this country we have many ethnic races Homeowners hire them as Gardenors at large Estates hence the Chinamen were riding lawnmowers on this Poem Formatted.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Start with a good brand name like Dell. Prepare the condiments seperatley to add the flavor seperately to have something to follow back on later. AC Adapters
Laptop Batteries Laptop Batteries: Backup RTC Laptop DC Power Adapters Laptop Drives CD DVD RW Laptop External CD DVD Drives Laptop External Floppy Drives Laptop External Hard Drives Laptop Fans Laptop Firewire and USB Cards Laptop Floppy Drives Laptop Hard Drives Laptop Inverters Laptop Keyboards Laptop LCD Screens Laptop Memory Laptop Miscellaneous Laptop Motherboards Laptop Network Interface (NIC) Laptop Power Cords Laptop Processors (CPUs) Miss the nits and blats wait (ahem) MIX the nuts and bolted. Strip the plastic from the wires that stuff can add too many toxidaents. Cook nothing much but condiments iff you need them hot. Strip the plastic from the housing there is nothing much left but fibre board with condiments. Enjoy. Feeds a Family of Sicks. Diningonalaptop

Monday, September 14, 2009


Who is Edgar Rice Cakes? What does HE have to do with John Burroughs. Jesus Crisis. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=crisis+chronicles&btnG=Google+Search&aq=0p&oq=Crisis&aqi=g-p1g9 What is this? A novella nuevo bye charlaxandroidoneseven. CA17. Short for Para Cayce. I have read the DeadSeaScrolling. On the PDF machine. Let me inform on my brothers in the LORD there is seldom any evidenced. These fragments of Aromaic Archaic would cause language EXPERTS in the field years of Formatting on a Word Processing machine. Butt Doctor Caycey has Decided it somehow pertains to Jesus.? Oye Vey. I admitted in a Court Room of lawyers I have not studied all his problems yet I must admit I cannot read those fragments of isometric triangular wordage. You must admit these people did preserve it as iff it were a GOSPEL message. http://www.crisischronicles.com/ A cave a bunch of yearns placed near the Monestary Remains to find considering the way Climatic Changes occur the evelation of the Earth is never level Seas rise where desert climes once failed to thrive. Perhaps a sub culture of Future Post Apolyptic Snow Men; all white and hairy like the Yeti. Abominable in every way with patches of glowing purple hair where the radiation has burned some of the fur away to reveal faults underneath no clothing there. They find a pristene City walk into the Revolving Door and fall back out until Discovering when to exit one. What fun. The lobby generator comes on. The Computor Hums. One Yeti moves the mouse Experimentally they gape at Windows song. Not one of them Yeti can get the Computor to do anything they are all just too old. A Robot walks up to the terminal. May I help you SIRS? and /or Madames? They step back agape at this hairless ape a tinsel steel replica of charlaxandroidoneseven. He types in http://www.poetrypoem.com/charlax7 Let me show you my website boys? Do you like poetry as prose? As they fall about the place guffawing they come out rolling the first time I ever saw a bunch of Yeti lawghing. So here we pause. As DeadSeaScrollingbyeCharlaX grows cold.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Alone Looking at the Mountain
it always sucks to be alone;
All the birds have flown up and gone;
after sucking in my eye.
A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.
It seems to say it sucks as well as I.
We never tire of looking at each other -
sucking windows by and by,.
Only the mountain and I.

Alone Looking at the Mountain

All the birds have flown up and gone;
A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.
We never tire of looking at each other -
Only the mountain and I.

Li Po

Li Po CharlaX

Thursday, September 3, 2009


"The lizzard taketh hold with her hands,
Yet is she inn kings' palaces."
Lets disect this passage of time.
Many people have used similes before the spider was never mentioned as a child. It was always SOlomans Lizzard was discussed. SOme old Bishoprics used it as a Metaphor to illustrate the thief. TO explain away the sin of breaking and entering inn. What is good for that lizzard is good for us as well so iff you need someplace to dwell just grab the pole and vault over that wall. ??? But no. Look close. Reason has set inn. Jesus never was a thief to begin. Common Sense and literal interpretation must now come inn. So here is the goods the punch line iff you must. The Proverb is from good king SOloman and HE must have been thinking of his wisdom and looking at a real lizzard being on a wall underneathe that window then moving up the sill into the room of that palace he called home. Case Closed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


There is a park in New York City. Not Central. Near the edge of the city. Two women meet there every several years. The Tree is always the same tree, the grass is always there so green. They are in love. With each other and with life. There is countless demos games within the computor people go there they continue to live to age there is no stopping place, where time does not exist. Exccepttion is this TimeStop where these two ladies meet every several years. A lover meets her friend both Ladies live apart in Cities distant they never fulfill the love they have they never have what other people have they never have what other people call responses. They do not see each other more then this. They do not see each other more than once in Several Years. They stop time then look inside each others hearts they search the eyes for love until able to leave each other satisfied the love these women have defies the time. They do not comment on the obvious the hair so grey. But holding hands they search each others minds and hearts with eyes. At this timestop. There is a park in New York City. Where there is love. TimeStop.


Succulator, Stridor, Streamor, Steam.
Trifold, tendor, toeholdor, teams.
Entire housors even villagors
All, antimattor, anticoagulator, any.
More is plenty plentiousness is not
Mention namme droppor holy rollor
A gamblor A BEGGOR a theiving
Eating hey nonny nonny petswalker.
Ten Thousand dancing from the head
of my pen.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Benificial Strength

Benificial Strength ewe.iciNew hope for a laptop a woman promised me her old computor in two weeks so I quickly promised her $100 dollars just for finally someone helping me. The no objection rule to spending money is not GOD so I decided to apply incentive for she says she has to wipe her hardware hardrive clear. It sounds expansive. She wants to see my website and so I promised her the poetry but recent changes to my facebook has my heart sore and caused me many problems. My nerves are finally gone. I have had so many blessings from the LORD no one knoes about but GOD. My heart just stops now and then depression forms the real intentions of my heart I am not important now to anyone. A bad time for missing love. Twisting my already misshapen insides. I do not have the strength GOD gave Goose I will not be able to kill myself its true. I layed in Shelter Sweltering the storm was raging rain falling but the Sun was shining same time shining HOT. I hope this happens to the hut when Winter comes. SOlar Heating some. It would be better for everone around me that knoes me and my lambe that loves me wold finally be so better off without me. Free for her to be herself at last. I too free to be a sinner saved at last and gone away to Glory facing Wrath. I still cant find that Benificial strangth to kill myself. TO face another day of suffering and pain and love is life. And so I stay. At least Today. I have arrived.

Friday, August 21, 2009


SHE SAYS She SHE SAYS SheSHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE. HE SAYS: Are u hot? SHE SAYS: Not really just good looking average girl. HE SAYS: I mean temperature. SHE SAYS: FORTY is the LOW below at night ABOVE at daylight.HE SAYS: NOT HOT?SHE SAYS: I have told you before I could sink some ships. HE SAYS: Shipping out?SHE SAYS: Staying INN!HE SAYS: Showers?SHE SAYS: NO rain for several weeks. HE SAYS: WOW, thats a lot of rain.SHE SAYS: I meant none. HE SAYS: Bequeath to me my misery.SHE SAYS: Of course I send you all my love. HE SAYS: A fortune intended is hard to hold on to.SHE SAYS: But Christmas come early is longitude latitude coaxial triangulated love. (for she is smart)HE SAYS: Why does this instantaneous coffee foam when added to coke in a cup?SHE SAYS: Ask me anything my love. SHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cross Ties

Cross Ties ewe.iciCross Town walker. Cross ties on the railroad bridges underpassed the cities. Cross tops on Speed. Olive Dogwood tree was used for Cross of Jesus History. Cross beams Cross members. Cross knots. I make a granny knot and then three times later i make a square knot on top of that i call the whole knot a Cross Knot. Cub Scout salute is just a cross uncrossed. Cross your t's and dot your i's we heard this one all the time in cursive writing they tried and tried to make us robotic every time but androids think and so i changed the way i write them squiggles and them lines from time to time. Cross eyed. Cross legged. Cross armed. WHy the eye and the leg but not the arm. ??? People cross there arms all the time but they dont get called cross armed. But they look like Stoney faced Indian Chiefs standing on a hillside looking at the Braves in Battle with the Seventh Calvary. Crossing Guards are not Crosses but guarding nothing they keep cattle INN the Raunches or OUT side the fences letting people in and out the gaited passes. She is Cross. Cross is used as angry. When someone is cross don't cross them. Means the same as don't cross there path. Cross of Jesus old rugged wooden but now you knoe that it was DOgwooden Olive tree wood that they used to slay the innocent. Charlaxes Cross ties.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Armeggedjion ewe.iciI got a poem but the tune is all wrong im changing it using a differant song able to leap high able to wear a red s upon my chest able to fly with dragonfly wings able to laugh at my own distress able to actress yes he said actress able to cry when i need to be blessed able to twist a word into a similitude of portent. A poet. What is that up on the road a head ? Content. A Poem. Iff i write something stoopid in this line it wont stick to the otheres time after time after time after time. But have you got any Grey Poupon. Mustard green the color of train tracks limning all the byeways, falling near the waysides. A totalitarian system leaves large railroad spikes in psalms on trees in leaves on Elephant vines. Spacing is important but Drugs leave a void inside the space is ghost so holy now. AMEN. Friends. Friends. Friends. Left my light up in the tower got a cover bushfull basket trying to hide from the badmen coming light my light and cry for Armeggedjion

Friday, August 7, 2009


TheWatcherWatches ewe.iciIn the traffic three times the dark blue Ford slammed past the Red Light the driver was drunk. Driving around in circles to kill someone by accidental death thinking in drunken hazes no one out there watching to see wanted to hit some old woman young girl or dog cat or pet of any kind this man was Drunk driving mad. Angry at the World or just himself. He puked it all out at once like the movie with Linda Blair large amounts of thick green fluid mocking him rolling off the inside of the windshield to fall harmless into dashboard vents where it stayed to congeal to stink to stench. He paused and swiped his mouth on Black and White Bannana Striped. A Stuffed toy he got at the County fair. Something darted out from between the cars on the side of the Highway 64 hit his door hard then bounced off scaring him into thinking thinking that he had hit someone a little girl or a dog he just kept on driving wishing he could die like other men. The Watcher stood staring down at the final Intersection of the US Highway 64 where a few moments of time would end the time of this small drunken white man driving drunk was gonna die. The Watcher was turning gray. His power waning now his haloe was flickering in the night. He was already losing his Immortality. The Watcher took his fist smashing entirely past the glass killing the Drunk instantaneously. Drive down US 64 to the last Intersection there is a column of stone standing in a little Square of grass the State of Arkansas placed there around the Watcher on every Fortnight in the Month of July near the 24th day of the end of a life You may see the Watcher move up to the Drunken Driver of the dark blue Ford. He stands and stares into the bright red eyes to see the mans soul inside Hell then satisfied He steps back to the grassy stones to stand another year a sentinal of rock solid hate and death decay a Judge of Human flesh and Bones forever living there in this place of Execution for having Killed but not in Hell, at least not like the Drunken Driver will remain forever there to Burn. The Watcher Watches stands and waits. Nothing left to learn.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


LapTopReThinking ewe.iciWho has been shaving money in a vast effort to get who a laptop. TO Caht with his honey in the cold dead of winter snow. Who is rethinking this now. Who needs to putt who ahead in his thinking of this physical THING a laptop would be nice to fall back on perhaps the price too steeping high a hillside who will pay for all of this. Who is rethinking this now. What happens on lover day in the year 2010 when Feb 14 rolls up on the colander again. Valentines comes. When the batteries die too many times of over recharging them using them twice daily when who has no money for new ones or parts equals money what if the memory card goes out does who have that Forty Dollars then to replace his memory outcomes the old one incomes the new one with new batteries too many things in a laptop used. The things that who carries he limits the pounds back and forth to the lieberry that free place he affords for computor breaking the ice with his very new boots with this saved rethinking the laptop money use in the dead of snowy winter let who just worry about walking back and forth to this lieberry use.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


WHokkuewe.iciby D.S. charlax[published in The Poetrypoem daily, April 1 2009]
WHO cares not greatlyShould the world remember whoIn some vast interspacial decade of 3002.
There who is on a journey,And who is for the long roadWHo Loves not to linger.
For him the starlight calls,Out of the spacecraft and sunsetWho has made words into poems.

Friday, July 31, 2009


They are there in definition to keep outer pants and things clean. They ride up unless they are long legged things. They ride down if they are shorts. They do never become publicly involved unless by accident in throngs. Who could not sit in lieberry with them on and only them upon. They stay on who too long who has not drawers to keep them inn. He wears the same long pair for several weeks of days. They would tar and feather me for spotted place upon the UnderWhere its not what you may think. Perhaps who was just eating some potatoes near the brink oh no they fell oh no that looks like hidden ink. Who cannot laundry matte or wash them in the River or the streaming water ruins things. But oh the pointers and the laughers imaging the thing the hidden excrement that it could be what nicities forgotten would anyone look at whos long UnderWhere and say it must be them potatoes quite forgotten gotten rotten there. Perhaps a headlong dash in someones sprinklers is in order but who is staying dry and so the odours is quite something a long limited day of please who go away combined with public places that who visits in his UnderWhere he smells livid and alivly hood is being made and formed of love in this quite vivid new rendition of whos UnderWhere above.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I tried to wipe with a Chicken wire fence but it left a brown spot on my Levi Jeans. I used the fence for a strainer down south there is big bugs. There is whole hogs can fit in the inbetween of a chicken wire fence. Chickens cannot leave the inside of a Chicken Wire fence. Free range chickens can not lay eggs inside a Chicken wire fence. People make Dog pens and well covers out of Chicken wire fence. Small dogs are called runts they can escape the Chicken wire fence. There is a way to find them by the smell. ONly a person that has smelled a small dog can understand how to find one. Frogs live in some wells they slip between the wires of the Chicken wire fence. They make the water taste. Crickets and other things smaller then a mans thumb are not contained inside the Chicken Wire Fence. My long term goal is to make a laptop out of a Chicken wire fence and some tin foil. Plug the whole thing into the out house and make yahoo sing. Very poor farms and some small ranches have bails of wire along them fences of Chicken wire fence. They add some baleing wire along the strands to tickle the cattle and the deer they call it the poor mans barbed wire fence. But what it really is is a Chicken wire fence.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Jim made a coffee pott on back of bar full inviting SuperGuyFly to want some. He says, "give to me a cup of coffee", BarManJim relented adjusts his DiamondPin upon Lapel of BlackApronTie. Well. Now that is a deeper subject. "That Coffee is not for customers" as he poured him a cup anyway "but for the use of the bar." The SuperFlyGuy insisted until the BarManJim handed it to him. But when he tasted it his condition made it taste like ashes. BarManJim aside when talking to himself he shakes his head from side to side like this then says, " We make that coffee weak to use it in the pott for cleaner on the bar we dip the barrags in it and then wipe the glasses clean. SuperFlyGuy set the coffee in the Dumpster trash can Hobo come along eyeing that weak coffee that color in the cup drinks some tastes the ashey flavor looks in bottom of the cup in vain for cigarette butt the coffee is clean just weakened from the back of BarManJim Bar Pott. A happy Hobo unhappy SuperFlyGuy a wiser BarManJim making coffee not but making cleaner for the bar not sots to drink the coffee weak but to keep the glasses clean.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


There is an EmptYLot in Everytown TheEmptYLot. Just always there no parking spots no tinsel trees too close to storeways with plateglass windows in a T-ball players way no one nears this space. The owner is usually a drunk in a big diesel truck with a coolerfull of pop the weisel beer and rumcooler lining one large half-galleon whiskey hidden in the floor bored near the accellerator bottle top a stopper cork. He walks the edges of the lot shaking fist at everyone that stops " iff even one thin dime falls upon this parking lot it's mine" "My parking lot" he signs. He scares the children cops avoid him no one wants to fight the drunk. One day a leather wallet laying folded up was laying on this empty parking lot. The Drunk man He just grabbed it up then ripped it all apart but empty wallet laughed on empty parking lot when done with fooling drunk. There is an EmptYParkingLot in Everytown TheEmptYLot.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


She did everything but comb the pages with her brush she fanned each of them Twenty books of pages for her Ten Dollar Bill she was making the lieberrian wait. She was staring at the woman all agape her mouth open in astonied slapdash smile half formed not there yet stopped in mid grin. A picture of WHAT in human clay form. The woman was flipping her first book off when she picked up the second one layed the first one the lieberrian made the mistaken assumption it was okay to begin "NO", she said the Woman almost SCREAMED it out "dont touch them books untill eye find the money." The waiting lieberrian froze her face again in grin askew aside the lines formed in waiting haste beside the woman so intent on tasking pages after pages of her Twenty books to look for Ten Dollars one clean new multi colored Ten Dollar Bill. She smiled down at the lieberrian never missing a page turning and tried to explain it this is what she said, "AI had the money for my daughter she is meeting me in this library today, and AI forgot what book AI put the money in AI am so sorry but this really wont take too long", as she closed the second book the grin turned nasty a second look and angry. SHe said to the woman, " AI can not spend this time with you all day AI have to help the others in the way." But when she turned to task the next in line the WOMAN "SCREAMed" NO you must help me first AI was here first in line." And that is when she reached her hand inside her panty line and touched the money in her pocket there like women do she hooked her thumb in the elastic there and found the Ten Dollar Bill where she had folded it in a pocket meant for looks. It was never in the book but only once and then she had removed it for safekeeping. In the pocket of her sleek black pants. The Lieberrian was overjoyed and they both did a little dance sure that books could now be checked again this time returned and stamped. The woman grabbed her cell phone used up her precious minutes to tell her child she had the money safe again. The lieberrian was SCREAMING at the woman "NOW you have to give that money to the Library AI have a fine totalled up of $9.99 here is your penny you may give this to your daughter but she will not have such a good time on only one penny what a smarter day you will be having now. And she did she did she did She the new lieberrian got up and did a little dance behind the counter.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


As homeye stepped up past the drive inn window the girl was nice she seemed to attract the homeye like a magnet homeye went to her and said DO ewe have a application for Employment. Yes she said in that gutteral Mexicalli Spanish. They aer just inside hangging on the wall just get one you sure can. But when homeye got inside the place was in turmoil the manager was not in the office but on a ladder the girl at the counter was fighting with a boy that works there and the girl stayed at the window no longer friendly just busy. They only had three orders to fulfill. But they managed to not even keep up with all of them. Only then was homeye sort of losing interest in doing the application at all homeye just sort of lost track of train of thought was gone. As a man and woman waited just to be able to give her the order homeye ripped the application tossed the pieces in the trash and cussed a lot on the way out of Wendies. No apology just the cold hard facts. Thats life in them big cities for homeye.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Eye had ZEN when all mye problems were as nothing the Town the head the toe the tooth all dissappated went away for eye was reminded of all the problems of the everyone. Eye saw a woman in a wheelchair pivot and stare as iff she was feeling all mye aware of her and then eye moved eye did a little dance in place glad that eye can walk how would it feel to pivot in a chair to wait wait wait for someone there to get mee to move eye to take me back to Town to be dependant on her Clown to always care. Eye am no Cassanovae beating self to Bossanovae but eye have mobility and freedom sudden wealth a Diamond Studded Tear fell down from eye as eye am writing this HandYCapEye.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Eye found a Bikers Cap made of nylon wool one piece kind of small fits all elastic band to hold on one place on skull eye breifley contemplated wearing it alone on back of head a JEW RABBI on the roam to Rome but propriaty was won out over frenzy fantasy the Bikers Cap is under wool layered inn then neoprene rain cap on top of head on top of all them caps of CherrYCharlaX. Still intact mye head is safe warm dry no rain in sight today the EgYpt bag gets smaller every day all the time as eye get used to leaving things behind where eye camp out. As eye write this in Durango Public Eye become cold on them Streets of Old Durango folding Tao of heart in smile as eye think of ewe her love a legacy of time Eye count as dung them Streets of Old Tuscon as eye meet new people under COlorado sun this SatirDaY.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


He is all over town JOB hunting he says he lays tiles on roofs there is so many real estate signs in town they will never sell even one of those houses this year. He is a first rate jack of all highwaymen trador of time. Eye have SpaceBrainWaves eye finally got them signals from Andiron 17 they were hidden in the cell phone signals leaning away from Ocean waves nearing closer to the Sea. Eye was getting bent no real attitude just scenting danger in mye gratitude at ignoring helpless enemy infantile adjustment thinking power to annoy when eye get this interception call from ether the sky is falling mye socks need a change but eye am dry entire villages and cities disappeared in a twinkleing of eye care to have dry underthings old and dirty need not apply eye have too many overs on but final resting place is keeping eye dry as eye ignore the ignorant people who hace self interest before eye.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ancedotes of overheard conversations a man had 6six6 teeth pulled paying only half price to the discount dentist it sounded like an advertisement when he told this to his friends all noticed it they thought he had pulled out his indentures. Reminds me of the time eye slept inside a zipper tent nothing at all on but wet my Jeans a wet crumpled dirty ball of mud next to my feet on floor of tent while mye belly flopped full of beer. The place that eye have now is mine, the sign on the highway says RAUNCH FOR SALE the road maintained no doubt by the City of Durango for they do not notice lines of embarkation where the City Limits Stop the County Line goes on. How many times the BlueJays come thier voices sounding like Sweet Sweet Wine in audible form to eye do not notice racaus noise that everybody else does Thankzx YOU JESUS for the BlueJays Voices.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Alas eye wept of Grief the tears certain eye had found a new means of Funeral arrangement suspection that poor ZOLA Yanni was embedded in the wall in an urn nor cavity she earned her place forever working fingers to the bones in this Public Lieberry she seems at peace entombed in one of the last quiet bastions pre-computor era of this human race the lieberry lady was so understanding sushing me with Kleenex for mye tears she finally guffawed its a wall ornament she said with laughter welling up inside her she finally pealed in this mye face astonied as eye reflected on artistes work this rendering of a drawer knob of this giant sized card catalouge. Poor Yani-Zola eye had cried tears as eye cried out Ashes to Ashes placed in a drawer and labled Y to Z now eye am just looking thoughtful as eye pen this ode to object"de'art, eye move along reflecting surface material admiring how much strang things can be found in everday living life in the alphabetic limitations of the mind.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


eye looked at a poem eye wrote when a slave under Arizona Sun trying to hang on there to a place better gone away from the overall affect is of course a genious the stinted intellect the work of the dunce tri cornered hat halted stunted growth broken bones producing slanted asian tones something a boy does for his teacher to get out of the corner you may sit at your desk but you must wear the dunce cap that pointed hat for you were a naughty boy but try as hard as he can embarressment at his predickament has chased away the memory he knoes not what he has done he just wants to crawl under his chair and die iff GOD will let me live and continue on to love ewe eye promise HIM the JESUS to never ever see feel here or chase shadows under Arizona Sun as eye knock off the dust of my feet and weep flinging curses with the sod at the lot where eye did sleep under Arizona Sun.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Eye am not wide enough eye need to be at least eight feet wide so eye can crossmember opponents when they come to make me peer at my perplection. Eye need to swing back and forth a pendulum of one an occars razoring them down the lot of them at once though nothing is impossible its hard to be this wide by carrying a cross of wood the beam twold be too heavy in the lifting there too stationary to be used as fighting offensive measures the wielding of such a huge instrument a tool of such gigantics a slapping beam of heaving hate would only hurt someone unneedlessly while eye would just get killed a proposition of positioning the horse before the cart before the hay or in otherwords put the hay before the cart before the horse make it eight hands wide.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The Blind Guide. Most people say the Guide for the blind has arrived. Eye would say the Blind Guide is here and laugh. Red Bull. Of coarse there are some shades of brown considered to be red but don’t wave a white flag at the red bull or wind up dead of course it’s an energy drink they manufracture them. Shifty eye. Some people shift the eye from side to side while searching for the bird fly by but what they mean when they say that is a no account. No account would be a poor worthless thief in the book of life they leer from sidewise shadows and they leap on poor old women as they walk to stores to get bred there. Wishing Well. Toss a coin away eye wish eye may eye wish eye might have that wishing well coin back right now tonight. Well Wisher. The person that tosses them coins in the Wishing Well. He is the Well Wisher. The Well Wisher at the Wishing Well with the Shifty eye waves the white flag at the red bull rider who is the Blind guide. Misnomers. One more added on. Brick Layer. Trencher. Bricks are stacked into walls they are sometimes hauled up in a HOD but eye have never seamed them layed end to end no cement in them cracks GOOD Lord they wold just fall the wall away down south in Dixie’s trencher. Trencher is the maker of the trench. The driver of the trencher is Louise.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


A fortune to some is nothing to most the least small amount a magnificent feast to those with the least the plenteous frown down at a bizquit with honey they don’t need the money they just don’t understand need they have greed a full tummy. Az eye am penning this eye look down at mye sleeve eye am penniless poor homeless creature not willing to work for a living in dirty clothing. The left hand does nothing but type hype while the right hand seems to do everything twice. Cuffs with links were nice but always the rings of ebony backed with one little silver letter was so expensive eye thought twice about ever buying such things again eye only scrounge them now and find them anyhow. Eye have crosses on strings and necklasses now. Buttins where clasps should have been anyhow. Some see threw shirts have sleeveless cuffs. The epaulets rough. The shirts made for cuffing can be rolled up to half way up the arm is folded the elbows extended like a walking duck. Fooling no one. Some men cut the collars off so the dirt is not so noticeable the sleeves on arms of stone. Muscles bound clods tripping over clods of dirty clay making history. The stark detection of the rich versus poor. Autonomy. The larger the belly of a man the tighter his buttons weather on his vested interest or his epaulets. The reader is appalled what utter nonsense. The cuffs locked with keys hangging on the belts not sleeves torn in various holes showing parts of women’s pearls sagging hangging doefully wagging. Is this what the poet has intended to convey today. Eye almost rested on mye epaulets. IS that the little froot loops they hand sew on the back of better tailor made shirts or is it the button down shoulders making sure the sleeves stay up on uniformed workers. Eye will always say epaulets when thinking only of shotting cuffs out and preening eye always said in ignorance look at these fancy epaulets. Check my ascot now is this tied correctly while the cummerbund feels tight around the neck. Eye rest my case.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems
that are 14 lines long falling into
three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet.
Englais channeling often been forboating forbidden swimming
and foreboding even for women.
So many suffer in the water they stopped them from attempting it.
So many dehydrated they were pulled before they made it out.
Do not swim after dark in Chinatown.
Tenterhooking near the City or a Body is forbidden and forcamping
near a Body or a City is forbidden.
Tentering near the City there is no parking or tentering allow it not.
Poling is okay but not tent poling for tent poling one must pay it out.
Do not tent after dark in Chinatown.
Forhiking is allowable only near the Englais Channel
but forwalking is forbidden near the Body of the watering.
Stay on the hidden trails and be happy they are marking them out.
Walk on the trails in sighting them near the City or be refined.
Do no walking after dark in Chinatown.
Drinking near Channeling while swimming is forbidden near the City Chinatown.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Reverand Combover was eloquent and outspoken and a thumper of the Bible School of misquotations the Church of the Covenant was near an empty Hay field. Every Saturday they raked it but on this EarthDay Saturday it seems that they forgot the rakes The Grasshoppers so used to distribution moved up on their own to the Sides of the Church Building and the Roof so seldom used they covered it in droves. The migration there was silent no talking in the ranks. Perhaps ewe were thinking then of Disney but this is true made up story life. They never stripped the field of hay like locusts do in the Bible stories. They only seemed to live a few moments of their time in each sad day of life. Insects are rally fragile ewe and they don’t survive. It’s also not true that they spit Tobacco juice although it sure looks like it in consistency and size of blobber. The Preacher was thumping the Bible so hard that dust mites screamed out in fright the Congregation all jumped to a man all the Deacons turned and ran then tossed open the doorway to the parking lot outside one man yelled back over his shoulder and Cried "GOD will get you someday Preacher." For he had just misquoted the scriptures again. He grabbed the Bible like a madman then chased after the men like some doddering old drunk wanting another hit from the bottle and they had carried it away outside the Grasshoppers flew out from the roof and that Preacher almost died sure that it was the Plagues of Egypt come from heaven down. But the Deacons all came back around and laughing now they raked the Grasshoppers away not locusts John Henry they smiled. It’s just Earth Day.